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  1. PeppermintHen

    Gouldian Finch Hatching Eggs?

    This may be a long shot but does any one sell Gouldian Finch hatching eggs? This is a small bird to ship eggs would be delicate? I found this picture off the net if it's yours may I use it? These little birds are a bit pricey so I wanted to try hatching eggs. Has anyone done this before?
  2. PeppermintHen

    GameCock - - Grit and Steel - - amongst other poultry magazines......

    Besides Grit and Steel and GameCock magazines are there any that focus mainly on oriental game fowl? I have never read any of the above mentioned and wonder are there any magazines focusing only on the oriental breeds.
  3. PeppermintHen

    I read an article a while back....................chicken breath in the the green house

    I think this is the right thread to post this in. A while back I read an article about green houses and that chickens exhale a certain gas that are beneficial to plants. What is it? What is the gas that chickens exhale. Did anyone else read this elsewhere?
  4. PeppermintHen

    Suddenly my hens are mean to me...... WHY?

    I have had chickens for years, the ones I have now are two years old and they are tame, sweet and so on. There are four standard size hens and two small modern game bantam hens they are one year old. Suddenly they are mean to me. The standard hens are pecking my hands and leaving little beak...
  5. PeppermintHen

    What waterbirds are legal to have?????

    This is dumb question but how do I know water birds are legal to have? Do I have to be a member of some organization or have certain degrees to keep them? -- Yvette
  6. PeppermintHen

    SPIRULINA do you feed it to your chickens?

    Recently I bought this little jar food supplement from it says the protein is 65-70% fats 6-8% minerals 10-13% fiber 8-10% and so on. The description on the jar: "Spirulina is edible dried, microscopic freshwater blue-green algea photoplankton that contains 70% protein...
  7. PeppermintHen

    Developing embryo question .. yolk placement....

    One of the eggs developing in my incubator seems to have the yolk not busted but moving all over the place as if not held in place buy the "chalaza's" . My question is can the embryo still develop regardless if it's held in place by chalazas? I do realize the difficulty in hatching an egg as...
  8. PeppermintHen

    Anyone growing Proteas? Smoke treatment....??....

    I have fallen in love with Proteas. While websurfing and researching many a time has smoke treating the seeds has been mentioned. On another forum someone suggested burning leaves and twigs and putting the ashes in water and soaking the seeds in that. Does anyone on BYC have any experience...
  9. PeppermintHen

    If they are raised together can they stay together?

    Currently in my incubator I have 10 modern game bantam eggs and 2 standard size blue eggs of a breed I don't know. (Because I wanted to try the hatching of eggs from Whole foods market thing). Anyways. Lets say they all hatch. Can two different breed sizes be raised together and live together...
  10. PeppermintHen

    I know the breed but what gender are these?

    The big orange chickens are BLWR / Light Brahma mix breeds and the little grey chicks are Modern game bantams. I am at a loss on four of them. The orange chickens I know one is a hen, but which one? The tails stand up differently on the two. And the little chicks they are only 6 days old...
  11. PeppermintHen

    Modern Game Bantams fully developed chick but never hatched, Why? PICS

    There were four eggs to be hatched everything is going great , everyone is pipping and and there is fluffiness everywhere, except this one egg. Whom was ((wiggling)) like hatching eggs do but then stopped. I waited then candled and noticed their were no veins or movement, so I intervened. It...
  12. PeppermintHen

    Buying seeds off ebay from overseas..Mold on seeds??

    I have recently purchased some seeds from India and Australia, some tree seeds and some vegetable. Why do they have mold on them? When planted to start the seedling only one or two sprout then die, when I investigate there is mold everywhere? Why?
  13. PeppermintHen

    Storing water for droughts for my trees......

    Hello and thanks for reading. I just purchased 4 acres of mesquite tree infested land. My plan is to create and design a bird watching landscape for myself and my chickens. Keep in mind this is what I want but doesn't necessarily mean I can have depending on maintenance price if water. Here in...
  14. PeppermintHen

    Very badly infested rooster Mites or lice?? How do you get the eggs off?

    Hello to all, I have a rooster who was and still is infested by mites or lice, really I think both. Okay this is what has been done that leads up to now. First I noticed the mites, very significant feather loss and pale wattles and combs. Dusted with sevin dust and gave proper dosage based on...
  15. PeppermintHen

    Almond trees, Pecan trees and Olive Trees any dangers?????

    Hello to all, I just purchased four acres of land for me to fill up. I plan on planting almond , pecan, and olive trees. I think almonds grow on trees or are they bushes? Anyways, I have seen my chickens devour pecans but what about almonds? Like when the almond falls from the tree / bush it is...
  16. PeppermintHen

    What hedges are poisonous to chickens??????

    I need to put a hedge between my chicken run/coop, but what is NOT poisonous. Vines take too long to grow, I need something constant. Our neighbors rent the house next to us an move, so I don't know what kind a neighbors I will be getting next. Not everyone likes chickens, so I don't want my...
  17. PeppermintHen

    New to Modern Game Bantam Questions

    I have always wanted this breed and ordered some hatching eggs and have the following questions for my fellow BYC members. 1: When incubating are the temperature and humidity levels any different than standard breed size chickens? Are they also 28 days? 2: From what I read these are really...
  18. PeppermintHen

    Incubating Modern Game Bantams do I do anything different?

    I just bought some Modern Game Bantam hatching eggs and wondering are the temperatures and humidity levels any different than hatching standard breed chickens? These are really little chickens, I don't want to cook them. Thanks -- Yvette
  19. PeppermintHen

    Out of curiosity: When is the sex determined?

    From sperm to yolk in the whole fertilization process when is the sex of the chick determined? Is it done before the eggs is laid, or when the incubation starts? Thanks -- Yvette
  20. PeppermintHen

    Mottled Houdon Rooster 6 months old

    This rooster was born 8-28-2011. Purchased eggs from ebay. I'm located in San Antonio, Tx. I chose to ship nowhere because I have never shipped an animal, I'm sure it's pricey if you really want him I will ship him.
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