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  1. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    My neighbors are in 4h and show lowline Angus. Definitely not for milking, but they are a great size and temperament for kids to show! They are used for meat also!
  2. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    @meetthebubus I'm far SE...about an hour southeast of Tucson. @SonoranChick we got about 10 min of good rain. Hoping for more! It's too bad you can't let her have a baby, but I totally understand! My husband is travelling a lot for work, so I'm often taking care of the kids, dogs, horses, and...
  3. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    My goodness, it takes a while to catch up on all these pages when you haven't been on for a few days! But I enjoyed reading about all the chicken addicts out there :gig @SonoranChick can you buy your broody hen a day old chick to stick under her at night? I let one of my buff orpingtons...
  4. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    I can't imagine! Does everyone over there even have A.C.? Is it regularly hot enough for it?
  5. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    @meetthebubus yours definitely does look a tad more "roostery" than mine with that reddish comb. I still have a few out of my large clutch of 10 I'm not sure about! These small EE combs throw me off, especially this one who's comb is black!
  6. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    Any guesses on pullet or cockeral? 7 weeks today. I think he/she is from my black ameraucana hen, but unknown rooster (blue ameraucana, EE, or buff orpington). Only one row of comb is visible so far. Wondering if hackle feathers might be looking a little roosterish?
  7. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    @Diannastarr That is truly awful. I'm sorry to hear :hugs
  8. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

  9. SMorrison7k

    Arizona Chickens

    I have one that I can't get to stop laying in the alfalfa in my hay barn. Flavor for the horses? :gig
  10. SMorrison7k

    Flagstaff,az. Anyone?

    I'm definitely no where close to you haha, good luck finding a "neighbor"!
  11. SMorrison7k

    Flagstaff,az. Anyone?

    I'm not sure about Flagstaff, but just in case you haven't found this thread, there's a group of AZ people who regularly chat on here :)
  12. SMorrison7k

    Newbie Chicken Owner

    Welcome :frow I'm sure you will love it here! I'm jealous of the bees :) I hope to someday have some!
  13. SMorrison7k

    Ayam Cemani — my son’s autism therapy chicken. Boy? Or Girl? :)

    Pretty sure it's a roo! Obviously, he could turn mean but don't stress about it. Keep an eye on it, but most likely he will be just fine...lots of roos stay sweet. They are adorable together :love
  14. SMorrison7k

    What kind of rooster do I have?

    @Krystalkate I'm definitely not an expert on a lot of breeds, and others in this forum definitely know more than me, but Mottled Java comes to my mind! He's handsome!
  15. SMorrison7k

    Coop Size Concerns

    General rule is 4 square foot a bird inside the coop and 10 square foot a bird for run space. It is too small, but it will work while they are young! It is a great little coop though. Hopefully y'all can work out something inexpensive! Good luck!
  16. SMorrison7k

    Newbie Chicken mom

    Welcome! :frow Hope you love BYC as much as we all do! Love your coop name! :lau
  17. SMorrison7k

    Pullet or Slow Developing Roo?

    First look has me guessing pullet, but I might wait a couple more weeks to see too. :fl Good luck! He/she is gorgeous. I just love black austrolorp colors!
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