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  1. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Where it shows that "Assault Rifles" aren't the only thing that can kill and injure multiple people. I also don't see how he was a loony until he actually killed them and I also wouldn't call it a mass shooting. Also what is the difference between a domestic terrorist and a hate crime? Hate...
  2. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    You never know when you will need stock piled ammo. I have some neighbors that over do it and they will not be able to take most of their stuff with them. Plus they do not prep the most important part of prepping. Physical Fitness. 10k ammo reminds me of this video
  3. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    I just searched and found that we have 500 rounds of ammunition around the gun safe. That isn't even in the crates.
  4. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Yea. I see a lot of preppers with some nice camo bags and custom camo paint jobs on their rifles and AR's. Who knows maybe the guy with the AR will shoot the man with the bolt gun cause he could use some extra range.
  5. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Lets make guns illegal. Citizen now has knives and bats. Outlaw gets gun cause it is better than a knife. Citizen dies from gun cause he was not able to have one.
  6. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    They are very reliable. The gun for the job should be determined by what the home owner feels secure in using. I own an ar-15 but it is not used to instantly shoot the bad guy. Me and my dad use a 12 gauge shotgun with bird shot. Bird shot will stick in the walls and will not go through. Our 12...
  7. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Only problem I have with your statement is Assault rifles are not heavy duty military guns. They are considered medium sized guns. The AR-15 is a civilian weapon and not an assault rifle since it is semi-automatic only and shoots a .223. The gun that most people kill squirrels with is a .22...
  8. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    I can beat the anti-gun argument in a single word. Switzerland. And here is a interesting video about Switzerland. Also 3 of the 5 hospitals treating people of the shooting have decided to limit or waive all medical bills.
  9. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Bad enough getting frisked at the airport. But our government loves to have us nice and trained like pure bred dogs so expect a politician to try and pass a regulation that requires you to pass through the TSA or metal detector to see the newest disney movie.
  10. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    In fact the theater is already being sued for the reason of not having alarms on the exit. A friend of a guy who was killed at the shooting is pursuing the law suit.
  11. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    May not be a place that has alarms. Never seen a requirement for exit signs to ave an alarm.
  12. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Already someone suing the theater for not having an alarm on them, same man is suing the doctors , and he is suing warner brother for creating a movie with violent acts that the shooter copied.
  13. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    We live in a nation with a military complex and we never know when we will force a nation to far and they will react badly to it.
  14. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    My family has a gas mask for each member. We might be a little coocoo.
  15. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    I saw the trailer for the movie earlier and it looks awesome. I am still going to see it.
  16. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    I hope the infant survived. Why would anyone bring an infant or very young children to a midnight showing of batman? It is a very dark movie and there are a lot of images in it that could terrify children.
  17. Matthew3590

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible! Shows some video by a phone.
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