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  1. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    How many chickens do you have and how big.
  2. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Between 10 and 15% dry not sprouted. Don't know about sprouted.
  3. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    You have 10 chickens so you need each tray to be 10 square inches. Not cubic inches but square inches with the seeds a 1/2 inch deep. If you go to post 1028 on page 103 quoted by me from 3riverschick you will see that is what the experts recommend. They also say that it...
  4. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I found 2 first one is long so look past it to see the second one. Quote: Here's the second one. Just so I know were I was page 46
  5. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    In the first part of the thread there were links posted to some studies that said to feed 1 square inch of fodder for each chicken. In that study the sprouted seed was put in the trays 1/2 inch deep. So what we are talking about is square inches not cubic inches. Therefore the math and the...
  6. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I read 1 square inch with the soaked seeds somewhere around 1/4 to 1/2 inches deep. That was from the old page links posted earlier in this thread.
  7. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I think it was meant that the feed store would be cheaper.
  8. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I done a search for STK and came up with a bunck of stuff that had a word such as oil stk so I think it means stock so I would say no not treated.
  9. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    The bag should have a list of ingredients on it or there was a tag on it with them what does it say. Pure oats I think would say ingredients oats. and something about weed seed or something similar but not list any chemicals at all. It will not in general say not treated but if it does not list...
  10. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    What did you sprout.
  11. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Yes dried up mowed or pulled tough grass. Nothing like the soft succulent tender fodder.
  12. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have not ever heard of on impacted crop from fresh grass greens. All that I have heard of came from large stalky stuff unlike fodder. My personal opinion is that we don't need to worry about impacted crops from fodder.
  13. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Oh by the way everything I have read on sprouts says that they are at there highest protein and nutrient content between 3 and 4 inches long. That is sprouts not fodder.
  14. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    This is not in dispute to the helpful information that you provided. It is an addition to it. I only grow fodder for chickens so chickens is all I have researched the use of fodder for. I am going to expand to feeding fodder, fermented feed and sprouts. My fodder system is automatic. There are...
  15. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Turned it for you. Looked like it was going to spill out on it's side.
  16. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Food grade plastic never had it when I was a kid. The same question could be ask about the upside down table method as well as the gutter method. Is it food grade plastic? I'm going to look for something just as convenient in food grade plastic. Just more research. I will find something similar...
  17. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I like that Urban art. I am building mine in the basement. Still trying to get rid of the fruit flies though. Where do they keep coming from wife is about ready to hang me.
  18. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    You said you got out the vacuum and stirred them up and sucked them down. Were they dead?
  19. pigeonguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    3 cups or winter ryeseed that made a layer a half inch thick I'll let you know finished product in about 5 more days.
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