Do your ducks eat mice?

I have heard of that but cannot imagine how that can happen!
Tom said they had circled said rat and were all pecking it very hard and shouting about it inbetween.... It wasnt a small one either for the UK!

My duckTwerker (ducks like to shake their butts) was lonely so she followed my cat August around ever where, when she was moussing (the cats name is because we ran out of names so the name of the month they arrived suited). Twerker would garb the mouse the minute the cat let go - an eat if live. Now when any of the 12 cats we have get a mouse Twerker fights for the mouse and usually ends us the winner
Go Twerker !
Buz (kitty) has always loved hunting voles above the pond. He hears, stalks, and gets 'em up in the open. Luroy joins in knowing that Buz wants to play 'em a while. She steals and gulps 'em (the little ones). Should see the looks Buz gives her when he realizes his little play buddy is gone!

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