Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Yeah, he's living the happy Rooster life for sure.
Your new babies are lovely. I am so sorry its been a rough start and hope
things work out and everyone is ok.

Napa I don't have any now and when my birds start laying eggs I will have mostly black Ameraucana.

I just want to let anyone know if people form the ABC start talking about a Henry sending out mass emails I really really want some BBS pullets to add to the flock
and I may or may not have emailed every person on the list that had black or blue LF ameraucana for sale
I had some really nice blue eggs from my split lavender hen but the test hatches came out really low so I think she is a little immature. You can view them on my lav shack page on BYC. Right now with the weather/light changes the hens are on hiatus. When things pick back up I will offer some more for another round of tests.
Sorry but the blues you got from me depending exactly when, were either from a recessive white hen over a black male (2008) or a blue hen over a black male(2007). I really don't bother raising blues since it is so difficult to get the correct lacing unless you keep a strain for that trait. Most blacks are not compatable unless like I say it came from a blue lacing bred strain. Andalusian breeders or someone that specializes in blue Ameraucanas would be the best persons to inquire on breeding proper blue laced birds. Harry
My splash Ameraucana just laid her first egg
now if only the blue would today too I would be so happy.

It is a little greener than I had hoped, and this time rather than eating my pullet eggs (as I did with my first 20+ FBCM eggs
before seeing the craft thread) I am gonna blow it out and make into an ordament


I hope to have bbs eggs available by December or Jan.
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Your thoughts on hatching:

I read about a breeder that did not hatch any pullet eggs and only incubated the largest eggs laid by hens.

What do you all think about this?

The breeder stated that the larger the egg the larger the chick.

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