Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

heritage cubalaya hen

The tail ought to be longer and lower. That may still come in time, as he is young. I like the beak, looks strong. Please post another pic when he is full grown!!
I am considering getting bantam cubalayas. I've read that they are pretty friendly towards people, but how are they towards other chickens? Especially the roosters?
They should be fine together. I only know of 3 sources for bantams: Cackle hatchery and two breeders (one in MI the other in NC).
Cubalaya cocks generally get along fine with one another; especially if they are nest mates.

In a free-range situation there should be no problem whatsoever.

The birds from Sand Hills are generally of very good type. As said before the tail should increase over time. He should be a real tail-dragger by 1 year of age. The size may be smaller; most birds in the country are not up to Standard weights. It has been a real uphill battle. Sam Brush's birds are the exception; mine are getting that way.

I weighed a stag yesterday that I thought was somewhat small. He is 1 year old and he hit 6 lbs on the scale. You could have knocked me over with a feather! I think I might keep him yet.

Here is where each individual breeder's artistry comes into play.

The Standard says they have small wattles. Most folks prefer the ones with no wattles. I have both; I will show both; but I must say a smooth face and neck with no wattles is more attractive to me too. Thus, it becomes a matter of preference. Again, by the Standard nothing wrong with small wattles.

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