Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

Thanks, yes I have OEGBs. Last winter I lost 1 out of 13, I think the main reason he died is because on one of our coldest days he decided to fly on top of the barn and then was to shocked to fly back down, he was up there quite a while. I think Cubalayas would be a good breed for me. Would 42 inch electric netting keep them in? I am assuming I would need to clip there wings. Do you sell hatching eggs?
thanks, Ryan

Linda Bayliss and her husband raised Cubalayas for many many years. The lived at Pleasant Lake, MI which is just north of Ann Arbor. I'd say it's been pretty cold there in the past.
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I'm not too far from Pleasant Lake...and it definitely gets cold here. The pair I had survived a very brutal winter...and they were still quite young. They're "sleeping" area was completely enclosed with no drafts and they had a 2x4 as a roost. But I caught them numerous times out in their open run in the snow. I was very worried about them, but they seemed less stressed than I did.

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