Rooster complaint from Snobby Uptight Neighbor in Epping, NH


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Epping, NH
Epping NH has no ordinances regulating chickens or other poultry. 2 months ago I got a Buff Orpington Rooster. After the first week of him crowing at 4:30am, I went door to door and checked with ALL my neighbors to make sure this was not a problem. ALL of them said it was not a problem and since then he's been rehomed into the coop with the hens and has delayed his crowing until around 7am, that is until this past couple weeks, I've been leaving the coop door open so they can come out early and due to the heat and humidity, etc for extra ventilation, but he hasn't been crowing until around 6am other than once or twice it was 4:30 according to him.

So, today I come home with two Guinea keets and later the snooty uptight snobby neighbor across the street calls me over as I'm getting out of my vehicle and says "Remember you asked about the rooster".. "It's become a nuisance and we'd like you to turn him into chicken soup"...

OK, so I understand neighbors will complain about roosters, but now I'm concerned this schmuck will then complain about the Guineas, and what's to stop him from complaining about the goats bleating all day and the ducks quacking all day.... he continued "and we hear animal noises all day and tolerate it, but the rooster wakes me up when the window is open"

I so badly just wanted to tell him to shut the window and I REFUSE to get rid of my Sebright rooster which will be the next one out there crowing, but wanted to know, if I refuse to give up my rooster, is there anything legally he can do to force me, or any repercussions, consequences, etc I could face?

I'm on a little under one acre.. The chickens and rooster free range all day. We have outdoors 1 rooster, 6 hens, 6 ducks, a dog and two goats. The goats and ducks outdoor pen is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3600sq feet. At night, they're all put inside their houses... If he makes an issue of my animals, is there anything here that could be a problem, such as too many animals? Indoors we have 4 Sebrights, one of which is a rooster, and they'll be introduced to the others tomorrow. We also have two Guinea keet just purchased today and are in a quarantine cage inside a tent outside.

I just have a gut feeling this uptight snob of a neighbor has it in his head that he's gonna have the balls to tell me I need to get rid of my goats next or even the ducks, and well, I'm not happy about this. I really have no issue with rehoming the Buff Orpington roo, but no way in hell I am gonna give up my Sebright rooster, nor any of my other animals and well, since he's now complaining about the rooster and I just today bought 2 Guinea keet, this guy's gonna be a constant thorn in my ass.

I'm really the kind of guy that wants to be a good neighbor and get along with everybody, but this uppity expletive is the ONLY one complaining, but he's also a pompous snooty unlikeable person as well.. he's the only one around here I don't like and well, now I don't like him even more..

What should I do? Get rid of the rooster and Guinea I just bought or tell him to pound sand? I'm NOT going to get rid of the Sebright no matter what.

Does this SOB even have a leg to stand on as far as filing formal complaints about animal noise during the day time hours? If the roo is in coop from 7am, can this SOB still complain about it
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The answer to this question will be in your town/city/county and/or state ordinances that talk about noise or other nuisances. There may be nothing about animals, but you can bet that there is a noise ordinance somewhere, and your roosters may well constitute a noise nuisance, and therefore a violation.

The ordinances can be found online at your city website, or at your local library or city records office, typically. I would check those places first.


First, you need to chek your city ordinances and zoning code. Be sure t check noise ordinances as well as ones relating to specific animals.

How large is your lot? Do you have a basement or garage that would provide better soundproofing for your birds in the wee hours?
I don't like snobby uppity neighbors either(got one next door to me with her 3 hulking sons), Since he said he'd like you to turn him into chicken soup, I'd leave a can of campbells at his door with a note that says - "here he is." Could you just try to keep them in till 7 am or so, even tho it's hot? Maybe if he thinks you compromised a little, he won't pick on your other animals. Don't let him know the seabright is special to you, or he will surely hate that one the most.
It sounds to me that your city does not have any restraints on your ability to keep farm animals on your property. The neighbor has no legal legs to stand on.

However, I live in a neighborhood where the lots are about an acre each and I can see his point about your having a rooster and it being a little annoying for it to crow in the middle of the night. After all, you are the one who went door to door asking if it was a problem, so in my mind, you were inviting his opinion... maybe in his mind too...

Sounds to me that you can do whatever you feel is right. If keeping your roosters is more important than how your neighbor feels about you, then do it.
Well you asked if they were a problem and he said no. Now he just cant take it, at least he was nice and talked to you. Are you in the city or county?
You won't shut your coop because it's been hot, but the neighbor is supposed to close his windows which are probably open for the same reason? Roosters are not banned where I live, but they do come under the noise ordinances. You don't have to get rid of your rooster, you just have to find a way that he doesn't disturb the neighbors.
My lot is zoned business/agriculture, and I refer to him as snob or snooty not because he complained, but for other reasons.. Just his uppity uptight demeanor
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