a Turken that lays a green or blue egg?

Not the best pics but i took them today and the sun was really bright and he was just not cooperative. lol. so here's the two pics that i have right now that actually turned out. every time i tried to click the button he'd bend over and id get his butt lol.


Too bad I live in PA and you live in Wisconsin, that would be awesome! Amish Turken breeders... I wonder if there would be any market for the eggs, LOL!

This isn't the best picture of her, but here is a "front on" view. It takes a little bit for my digital camera to focus, and then she moves... She lays a cream tinted egg.

Have to ask, what were they crossed with? Something with really large beards? I've crossed turkens with bearded breeds, but most of them had more like sideburns or mutton chops- fuzz down the side of the face and either none of the "beard" part or just wisps of it. Laura's hen has the biggest and fullest beard I've ever seen on a naked necked bird.. notice she is not pure for naked neck too though..(just wondering if/how much that would reduce the beard part "on her")

It would be awesome if someone made a line of well bearded turkens! I'd be down for some.
i can't even begin to say what Jebediah is. lol. he's a real mutt. i got his grandfather as a chick from someone. not sure what he was. then his son was part mottled houdan. and now obviously part Naked Neck lol. the father was a bantam. he was smaller than most rooster i had ever had. so i dont know what he was mixed with. the person who hatched him out coudln't tell me what he was mixe with either. i loved that rooster. he passed away last winter. I think the other rooster i had(his son ugh) was making him starve. i will never know.
i seem to go through a lot of roosters sometimes. but the hens hang on somehow lol.

here is the grandpa to Jebediah.


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I wish I knew what my "Bearded Lady" was mixed with. I somehow ended up buying 6 Turken chicks at an auction last year. All of the chicks were different Naked Neck mixes. One is a frizzle, one is mixed with a silkie, etc. I wish I could find out who sold the Turkens at that auction. I have been trying to hatch some of the Turken eggs but I am having lousy luck with my LG (surprise, surprise), and am now working on my hovabator. I'm also waiting for my Silkies to go broody, but patience is not my virtue right now!
I got one back today, a week old chick. I sold some hatching eggs to a family. Their teenage boy wanted to learn to hatch eggs. I took many phone calls and panic calls as they struggled through their first incubation. They did great! They got 17 chicks out of 24 on their very first try. Then the wanted to give me back the chicks. Right ON! So I got 17 free chicks today from my own stock, PLUS they gave me $20 for the priveledge! I gave them another 30 eggs to practice on, and they will give me back the chicks. Is that a bad thing? LOL Nah... Anyhow, I got a blue naked neck chick with a pea comb. My brownred turken is the mother and my splash ameraucana is the father. I'm hoping for a roo. I would like to make some lavender naked necks, a plus if they laid colored eggs, and this just might be the missing link chick. No pics yet, it is too dark. Maybe tomorrow.
i coudln't even begin to tell you who lays green and who lays brown lol. but im pretty sure my EE's are the greenies. i know my turkens/naked necks are the browns(cuz they were sold *pure* not mixed.. from a hatchery for boht ee's and the turkens) the rest of the hens lay a different color lol. i have a dark brown(cuckoo marans) and a bunch of light browns. so..since they all free range together.. i have no idea who lays what

i really do want to get some eggs lol. i don't want to be spending a ton of money right now. we are in the process of moving and i have 36 eggs int he bator right now. so. no room and i don't want to have to move a bator full of eggs whe i move lol.

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