Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Don't give up hope yet. All 7 of my Ameraucanas (BW, W, Black and blues) ran around chest bumping and jumping into each other feet first in the air. 4 ended up cocks and are now re-homed, the remaining girls still do it. They get along great and carry on like it was just play afterwords. They're ages range 17-20 weeks. Hope you can post pics soon
Yeah I don't get it. If you find a way in- let me know!

nope... My iPhone gave me the same error message. I'm gong to ask for a refund to the club.
Yeah I don't get it. If you find a way in- let me know!

nope... My iPhone gave me the same error message. I'm gong to ask for a refund to the club.

Wasn't Jean able to help someone else who had this problem?
I picked up a breeding pair today to go with the pullets I have hatched out this past spring. A predator had gotten all my best young roos and the roos I have left all have serious flaws like color leakage and clean faces. This pair came from Whitmore Farm stock. I can't wait to start hatching babies once my pullets start laying well. The pics aren't very good my quarantine pen isn't very tall and I can only take pics through the fencing.


Hi everyone! I bought these girls 3 weeks ago and was told the are ameraucanas. I am not sure if they are or EE's. Could you let me know what you think or know? I was also told they were 6 mo old, but none are laying yet.



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OK- found out how to get into the forum. Michael Muenks has to send you an email with a username and password so you can log in. Then you can change your info after that if you want. I believe his contact info is on the ABC site.

ETA: Luvinmybirds- those are lovely EEs.
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