Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Some of my 12 wk old Ameraucanas ....





16 week old Lavender cockerel ....


My youngest Silkied Ameraucanas ....



Love your birds. Too bad it takes SO long for them to grow.

Guess you could put your two silkie roos over your black pullets and put a black roo over your silkie pullet.

Then breed the blues back to the silkies!!!
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Yup, that's the plan!

ETA: My older Silkied Ameraucanas (23 wks old) are penned with a blue and a black Ameraucana (pullets). However, the Silkied roo is not interested in mating as of yet! I have so far got 3 blue eggs (from the blue), and they are not fertile. If nothing in a couple weeks, I will consider AI.
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I was out in the forest this morning with my flock of Ameraucana. They might be slow to grow, but they are very cheap to feed for me. They skip the sprouts and mash in the morning and head out deep into the woods. They prefer to forage. Some eat while others post watch. They look as if the belong in the primeval hemlock forest...

Quiet, intelligent birds indeed. Compared to some of the EE's crosses and the Marans, which just hang by the coop begging for feed, and making noise.

The Ameraucana do not act at all like some of the fat "barnyard" breeds... I like that.

Ohh wow your lav roo looks really good! I sold my original lav roo and was growing out a new one, that is until a coon decided he looked good also. Out of 30 chickens why him!! Now I'm lav rooless, guess I'll have to make more splits.

Yup, that's the plan!

ETA: My older Silkied Ameraucanas (23 wks old) are penned with a blue and a black Ameraucana (pullets). However, the Silkied roo is not interested in mating as of yet! I have so far got 3 blue eggs (from the blue), and they are not fertile. If nothing in a couple weeks, I will consider AI.
Here's a shot of the lav babies from Shaffer's eggs. They're in with BBS Orps from gumpsgirl, EEs from my wheaten roo x EE hens, and a few cortunix. They still freak me out the way the sleep like they're dead- guess that's something I'll never get used to


Some cheeks:

Thses guys are going to be staying in the living room so they'll get lots of people/kid time. I'm hoping they'll turn out as friendly as the lav & splits we already have.

LOVE the silkied splash birds Kathy! I can't wait to see how blues come out for you!
Yup, that's the plan!

ETA: My older Silkied Ameraucanas (23 wks old) are penned with a blue and a black Ameraucana (pullets). However, the Silkied roo is not interested in mating as of yet! I have so far got 3 blue eggs (from the blue), and they are not fertile. If nothing in a couple weeks, I will consider AI.

Too bad you're not closer to me...I've got an extra one!!!
I'm glad you had a relatively successful hatch .

Today while I was standing outside the older bird's pen visiting with the landlord the birds started screaming . I turned to see several in hot pursuit of a younger chick ; one more lost chick had found its way back in right under my nose LOL . The older birds ran in into the corner of the coop where it tried to hind [ edt to hide LOL ]between the wall and a corner pole ; I caught it and put in it the baby pen bringing the count to 6 penned / 4 missing .
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