Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I agree 100% about this site being about learning. This is a backyard site, and while there are discussions among very knowledgeable breeders where some level of knowledge is expected, most are either here to learn or help others learn. The breeders I mentioned above that will judge you based on the terminology you use are not on this site. I merely just stated that such people exist...and most are very nice people, they just don't want to deal with people who they think aren't knowledgable. No one on this site will judge you...people may let you know that some breeders don't like it when people say "roo"....but they won't judge you.
I agree 100% about this site being about learning. This is a backyard site, and while there are discussions among very knowledgeable breeders where some level of knowledge is expected, most are either here to learn or help others learn. The breeders I mentioned above that will judge you based on the terminology you use are not on this site. I merely just stated that such people exist...and most are very nice people, they just don't want to deal with people who they think aren't knowledgable. No one on this site will judge you...people may let you know that some breeders don't like it when people say "roo"....but they won't judge you.

While I agree 100% with what you said about this site being for learning and sharing, unfortunately there are ones who will judge on this site... not necessarily this thread, but I have seen it happen many times within the site... it is a backyard site, but sometimes there are people who lose sight of that in their need to be right all the time... I'm not finger pointing, just stating my own experiences... fortunately there are many who want to educate and share and that does tip the scales more heavily in that direction... :)
While I agree 100% with what you said about this site being for learning and sharing, unfortunately there are ones who will judge on this site... not necessarily this thread, but I have seen it happen many times within the site... it is a backyard site, but sometimes there are people who lose sight of that in their need to be right all the time... I'm not finger pointing, just stating my own experiences... fortunately there are many who want to educate and share and that does tip the scales more heavily in that direction... :)

Yeah, I personally am not a breeder and am on this site for a mixture of learning/educating others, and of course sharing pics and stories. But I would never think of anyone negatively for using the word roo. I remember when I said it. No one was rude to me for saying it, but rather politely corrected me. And I would think it would be terrible if I didn't extend others the same courtesy. Now, I am lucky to have grown from there and learned, and even acquired some Ameraucana that I think are pretty decent.
Yeah, I personally am not a breeder and am on this site for a mixture of learning/educating others, and of course sharing pics and stories. But I would never think of anyone negatively for using the word roo. I remember when I said it. No one was rude to me for saying it, but rather politely corrected me. And I would think it would be terrible if I didn't extend others the same courtesy. Now, I am lucky to have grown from there and learned, and even acquired some Ameraucana that I think are pretty decent.

Exactly, and well said... :)
I didn't even know it was a problem until today. I thought everyone used it. I do use cockerel for males under one year, but I always call males over a year roo because I am a backyard owner, so "proper" names are of no consequence to me, also, I think saying roo makes them sound cuter. It's just my personal preference. And let's face it, there's nothing cute sounding about the word cock....even though I do plan on breeding my birds, and using the correct terms when speaking to people who want to buy my eggs or my babies, I see no harm in using that word here, among friends
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That's pretty sad considering this site is supposed to be about discussing birds and learning. Kind of hard to learn if those that are in the know ignore the less knowledgeable because of one little word. Guess I never put much stock in it because it's just so much easier and faster to type roo. Plus it's all over the site so I assumed it was an acceptable abbreviation. But honestly I'd rather be ignored then called ignorant and infantile. Oh well.

Thanks for indulging my curiosity. Now back to the topic at hand, beautiful Ameraucanas.

That is pretty inconsiderate; after all, we were ALL novices at some point.
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My 3rd of 4 cockerels/roo/roosters/boy chickens gave a wonky little crow this morning. Do you all have any personal stories regarding the temperment of your cockerels/roosters either alone, with a flock or housed with other boy chickens?

My 3rd of 4 cockerels/roo/roosters/boy chickens gave a wonky little crow this morning. Do you all have any personal stories regarding the temperment of your cockerels/roosters either alone, with a flock or housed with other boy chickens?


The first attempts at crowing are SO FUNNY.

first pen: My 6 month old Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel (Garfunkel) is a real sweet-heart. I've seen him grooming the 5 month old pullets in his flock, and he has never fought the younger cockerels that have lived in his pen. He has never pecked, chased, or harassed the 12 week old pullets that are in his pen either.
second pen: My Black Ameraucana (Honcho) is 4 months old and he is a little bossy with my Polish pullets, but otherwise gets along well with them wile they await their own pen. My other Black Ameraucana (Christmas) is a pretty docile bird who avoids confrontation. I've never seen him peck another chicken or challenge Garfunkel.
third pen: my 4 week old Welsummer cockerel is a cocky little punk lol As soon as he's big enough he will live with the goats.
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The cock birds really do take care of their girls....I did notice it and I am surprised that they have such a level of protectiveness after many generations of breeding in captivity. Sometimes when the girls are fighting or picking on each other, he'll break up the fights or stand between the birds and protect the one getting picked on.

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