Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Since one of the boys has a mismarked chest, lots of red, not solid black like it should be; it's likely just crappy breeding stock throwing nonstandard birds.
True. I should try and get some up dated pictures of the boys. They are at my brother in-law's, as I didn't want the crowing to bother my neighbours. They really are looking good. But it would be interesting to hear your comments about their colouring.
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Off topic but I hope no one minds me indulging my curiosity. To those that are professional breeders or just very experienced, are you offended or annoyed by the use of the word roo?
Off topic but I hope no one minds me indulging my curiosity. To those that are professional breeders or just very experienced, are you offended or annoyed by the use of the word roo?

Offensive? No

Annoying? No

But, when I see that, I will automatically consider whether I'm talking to a relative newbie...
Off topic but I hope no one minds me indulging my curiosity. To those that are professional breeders or just very experienced, are you offended or annoyed by the use of the word roo?
We all use abbreviations, so roo never bothered me. I just never understood what kangaroos have to do with chickens.
Yes, it took me a few seconds to figure out what a poster was talking about when I first saw the term used. In reality it has caught on among new fanciers though, such as 4Hers and their parents.
Just as I don't call male chickens roosters I don't call them roos, the same as not calling a female chicken a chicken. Those are very old terms that aren't used by most breeders or exhibitors.
Only Cocks, Hens, Cockerels and Pullets are entered into shows that are APA/ABA sanctioned meets. Many of us stick with those terms. Since Cocks and Hens are over 1 year old and Cockerels and Pullets are under, we generally use the terms Male and Female when age doesn't matter.
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Okay, all fair points and I can see where you're coming from. A follow up question. Would you automatically dismiss anything they say and assume they can't grasp the topic even if they don't actually post any incorrect information?
I was told that some breeders may ignore messages from those who call cock birds "Roos". Whether or not it is true, I don't know, but isn't in nice to at least sound like you know what you're talking about.
I was told that some breeders may ignore messages from those who call cock birds "Roos". Whether or not it is true, I don't know, but isn't in nice to at least sound like you know what you're talking about.

That's pretty sad considering this site is supposed to be about discussing birds and learning. Kind of hard to learn if those that are in the know ignore the less knowledgeable because of one little word. Guess I never put much stock in it because it's just so much easier and faster to type roo. Plus it's all over the site so I assumed it was an acceptable abbreviation. But honestly I'd rather be ignored then called ignorant and infantile. Oh well.

Thanks for indulging my curiosity. Now back to the topic at hand, beautiful Ameraucanas.
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That's pretty sad considering this site is supposed to be about discussing birds and learning. Kind of hard to learn if those that are in the know ignore the less knowledgeable because of one little word. Guess I never put much stock in it because it's just so much easier and faster to type roo. Plus it's all over the site so I assumed it was an acceptable abbreviation. But honestly I'd rather be ignored then called ignorant and infantile. Oh well.

Thanks for indulging my curiosity. Now back to the topic at hand, beautiful Ameraucanas.

Some breeders, not all... and I know several on this thread that while they may take those terms used by someone into account, they won't treat the asking party like they are ignorant or infantile... :)
Some breeders, not all... and I know several on this thread that while they may take those terms used by someone into account, they won't treat the asking party like they are ignorant or infantile... :)

Oh yes, absolutely. That's why I asked the question here. I knew I would get honest answers without anyone feeling the need for name calling. Lots of great folks on this thread.

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