Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Decided to post pics of my two blue wheaten bantam girls, Clover and Charlotte. Charlotte has wry tail and will most likely be culled, but Clover is so sweet I don't think I could bear to cull her. I have another blue wheaten, Calliope, who is only 8 weeks and seems to be coming along nicely. I'm really excited to see how she turns out. Here they are:

Sweet Charlotte, who doesn't like to walk too much cuz its hard for her:

Clover, with her shadow, Charlotte, behind:

Me and Clover cuddling:

The girls and one of their brooder mates:

I couldn't actually find any good recent pics of Calliope, but I'll post some later, I'm sure
Hope you enjoy seeing my babies!
That looks like a pullet to me.

I know he's standing funny in these pics, but I think it's just cuz he recognizes me as head roo, so he always gets a little more feminine in his body language when I'm around. As a result, it's really hard to get a pic of him puffing or his little chest at my BLRW cockerel who is the same age. I know he's a cockerel, though. His comb went from nude to dark, bright pink almost overnight at about 6 or 7 weeks old (I already thought he was a boy, but that seemed early to me) and he's been trying to crow the last few days (with very little success, lol) cuz he wants to answer my wheaten cock in the morning. I'm sure he's a boy, though, and I wish I could get a pic showing all his studliness, but no such luck. I'll try again soon, though!

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