Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Hey, everybody! Just wanted to hop on and show a couple update pics of my blue Am cockerel, Athos. He's getting so big and looks like such a stud already! He is 12 weeks old now, and is starting to get his muffs and beard. He's also starting to trust me a little more and will hold still for me to pet him, as long as I don't move AT ALL except to pet him, lol. I love him

It does seem to have a pullet comb and I'm not seeing any significant darkening of cape feathers. It could be a slower developing male. If it is 12 wks, I would give it a few more weeks and look for the pointy saddle feathers that should be popping up at least by that time. Blue males, even if they have small pea combs, should be starting to show darkening of the feathers in their wings, hackles and saddle feathers right about now. So, if you aren't seeing this in at least a few weeks, you have a female there.
Decided to post pics of my two blue wheaten bantam girls, Clover and Charlotte. Charlotte has wry tail and will most likely be culled, but Clover is so sweet I don't think I could bear to cull her. I have another blue wheaten, Calliope, who is only 8 weeks and seems to be coming along nicely. I'm really excited to see how she turns out. Here they are:

Sweet Charlotte, who doesn't like to walk too much cuz its hard for her:

Clover, with her shadow, Charlotte, behind:

Me and Clover cuddling:

The girls and one of their brooder mates:

I couldn't actually find any good recent pics of Calliope, but I'll post some later, I'm sure
Hope you enjoy seeing my babies!
Why doesn't Charlotte like to walk? Something wrong?
This is my lovely 28 week old Blue Wheaten pullet, Goldie. If we decide to hatch eggs from her (when she starts laying lol) she'll be separated from the other breeds. For now though, the Polish the black Ameraucanas and the babies are the only chickens calm enough for her to stay with. This has to be the gentlest chicken I've ever seen in my life.

Why doesn't Charlotte like to walk? Something wrong?

She has wry tail, so she has quite a few balance issues. She just gets a little wobbly sometimes, so she'll lay down for a bit. I think it's tiring for her to have to lug that wonky tail around all day. Other than that she seems fine, and I pick her up and check her out every day to make sure she's ok. Won't matter in a few days, though. I plan on culling both her and her sister, since they can't be used in my breeding program (which starts in the Spring!!! I'm so excited!!)
It does seem to have a pullet comb and I'm not seeing any significant darkening of cape feathers. It could be a slower developing male. If it is 12 wks, I would give it a few more weeks and look for the pointy saddle feathers that should be popping up at least by that time. Blue males, even if they have small pea combs, should be starting to show darkening of the feathers in their wings, hackles and saddle feathers right about now. So, if you aren't seeing this in at least a few weeks, you have a female there.

He's been getting his dark pointy saddle feathers for a few days now. You can't see them in the pics because they're just starting, but they're there. I picked him up today and looked him over real closely because you guys were making me nervous, lol, and there they were!! I hadn't specifically checked him for those yet, but they were there, starting right at the base of his tail, and super pointed!!! Whew!! You all had me nervous there for a while, even though his behavior and everything, to me, shouted that he was a cockerel, all of you whose opinions I value almost had me convinced. I know it's not your way you could've seen those tiny little feathers in a crappy picture on a computer! I could barely see them with him sitting in my lap, lol! But I appreciate your help in assuaging my fears by giving me things to look for! So glad that now I know for sure he's a he. I was worried. Thanks again!
Not breeding quality. Looks like he has some red leakage through the saddle feathers. His silver also seems yellowed, and not the bright white it should be. And that chest is really splotchy. Can't really comment on his build from just pictures of him on the roost. For that, need to see him on the ground.
This is my first blue cockerel 4/2 hatch. What do you guys think now that they are older. I still agree they have poor lacing, but what do you think otherwise?


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