Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Having all Wheatons, I have all gentlemen in my flock I find that wierd. I would think they would be fighting more with eachother and at least play-sparring. Non of that. 1 BW Cockerel developed faster than the rest and looked 3 weeks ahead of the rest for a long time. He's the one and only king of the group and we call him Elvis. Elvis just gives the "stink eye" and every one quiets down. Elvis also calls to bedtime and hawk alerts. Is that just the gentleness of Wheatons? Other shades are less gentle?
LOL Amy and I have had the Wheaten boy discussion so many times
Levi I can't say enough good about that boy but...when I brought him home from Cynthia's he picked a few leghorn,bsl,and an Australorp pullet to be in his flock.Well,my wheaten ladies began laying so I put them together.He won't look at the ladies..they don't even get the wing dance that is before he flies out of the pen and back to his ladies.I have never seen him even with a roaming eye towards the other free ranging my other roos if they are alive they are a possibility. I can only hope when these free loading wheaten hens start laying again he will have a change of heart or I will have to go with Calvin-my wheaten boy of Jean's who is also beautiful but showing no interest in hens he's young and he lives with my bantam cochin roo and he wears the feathers in that pen
Oh, my gosh! Those chicks are so pretty! I LOVE that color. I have been planning to get some lavenders, but now I can hardly wait. I'd like to get the best quality ameraucanas that I can because I have been involved in the past getting kids into 4-H and showing, and I'd like to get back into showing again myself.
Oh, my gosh! Those chicks are so pretty! I LOVE that color. I have been planning to get some lavenders, but now I can hardly wait. I'd like to get the best quality ameraucanas that I can because I have been involved in the past getting kids into 4-H and showing, and I'd like to get back into showing again myself.

Remember that the lavs are still in the "project" stage. They are so lovely though. Mine should start laying in the next month or two. I know it's going to be like when my welsummers started- I will probably hatch every single egg I get for some time. I think it was 3 months before we actually ate a wellie egg
Very nice looking bird! Will you be changing your Handle and the info in your signature line now?

God Bless,

Thankyou Mahonri and Tailfeathers! I had people ask me about Ashley's parentage and I told them the truth. Dad is a splash Ameraucana (pretty sure from Peachick's lines) and the mothers are black EE hens with a little gold leakage. I am amazed that such a pretty pullet hatched from one "for fun" egg in a batch of silkies. My plan is to breed her back to her father. I dont want to change my signature as of yet until I have more Ameraucanas (More than a quad)
His beard may or may not turn completely blue. I have yet to get a full-colored beard on any of my Wheatens or Blue Wheatens. Thus far I'm still getting some white left in the beard. The lower hackles is another area that several of us are working to improve. Jean has made significant progress in that area and now has birds maturing with fully clean hackles.

God Bless,
How important is the size of the rooster to everyone here? Im growing out a blue wheaten roo who I like a lot, but he's nearly 8 months old and no where near the size of my 3 year old wheaten roo. Does he still have time to catch up? He's very nice otherwise, but I dont know if size and heft is as important with the Ams. as some of the other breeds.
So quick Question for the Pro's out there. What are some good sexing methods for Ameraucana's 5 months old. I realize comb development and hackle feathers. I also realized Since I am new to this breed looking over my EE mutts they can have any kind of comb and and my Ameraucana's Only have pea combs with that said Is it something simular to sexing Dark Cornish and Buckeyes. Structure build and frame are also clues to telling sex I know But are there any other suggestions so that I may wing out these Pawned off roo's
Also is there anyone selling 4-5 month old Pullets I just want a handful for the blue eggs for my kids to be able to decorate by april. I am not interested in any kind of APA standards I just want 100% guaranteed Blue layers. I did get lucky and stumble across some very nice hatching eggs and there Definatly Pure. Got some blues out of the hatch. Looking for very reputable sources for Birds at this time.
Umm, do I dare say that size is important?

Seriously, yes it is. The SOP lists the weight of the bird as a requirement as well. Of course, if you're not interested in breeding to the SOP then it may not be all that important but if you have a runt, personally I'd recommend not using him if he is truly that much smaller.

God Bless,

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