Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds


Here's that chart Cowgirlgrace; as you can see, color is highly variable and includes blue, shades of gray, and shades of green. You can order this from the Ameraucana Breeder's Club for your own reference as computer monitors do vary. I think John Blehm listed on his website that the silvers had best egg color at his place, earning a score of 5 out of 5.

I will now hush and turn this topic over to those with more experience than myself!
My Silver Ams are just starting to lay again and they have the lightest (almost white) egg out of my flock. The Lavs and Wheatens have a superior color, and they are from Blehm. Hmmm. I need to get that chart.
crystal creek-Thank you for posting that information. I'm very happy to read it, since I've ordered some silvers from John. Also, I think I will order one of these charts. I think it will help in the future if I'm trying to select for egg color.

Those egg pictures you posted are beautiful. Congrats to whomever they belong!
Thanks for the pictures of eggs and the chart! So we are shooting for the A colors on the chart? Thats the most desirable? I've just read people saying the Ameraucanas lay blue and the EE lay green, blue and pink so wondered if green was bad for Ameraucana but all the eggs appear to have green in them to my untrained eye. So working towards the bluer rather than the greener?
The blue-er the better!!!!! ETA I don't like the gray shades in the A category; my personal preference, though.
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Ameraucanas are supposed to lay a blue egg. It doesn't always happen and it is not something that a show bird is going to be judged on.

There are lines of these birds that don't lay a great egg and certain varieties also still need lots of work. (buff...) This doesn't mean they are not a true ameraucana. It means we as breeders need to work on them! We need to remember this is one of the youngest breeds in the APA and ABA. We not only have to consider type and plumage color, we have to get the egg color right. It's a very meticulous job.

Most real breeders will allow minty green and turquoise layers in their flocks. Some even allow a green layer, if the bird is exceptional. I really like the turquoise looking eggs because they seem to carry more pigment and be more vibrant than the very light blue eggs.

Also in my experience there are very few eggs out there that do not have a green cast to them. Most people do see colors differently, our brains are not all wired the same.

One last suggestion about egg color is to always make sure you have outside lighting (or natural light) when looking at the egg color. Fluorescent bulbs and most indoor lighting will definately cast a green hue to eggs.
Well said, Jean!

I totally agree. I save pictures of blue eggs I see so I have a goal to work toward. I had easter eggers that laid much prettier blue eggs than some of my current ameraucanas. I have also noticed that some eggs have a brilliant shine, like they are wet, and some are very dull and chalky. You can go to the Ameraucana's Breeder Club forum and find discussions about egg color. Different breeders have different opinions. If you have a definite preference, you will have to do your homework and find a breeder who has what you like.
John has posted that the pale pale blue (almost white to my eye) is the preferred color for ameraucana eggs but, to me, the more vibrant colors are preferable. I agree with Jean, the turquoise colored eggs are gorgeous and I would love to add some of these turquoise layers to my flock! My gals lay a light blue with a hint of minty green in them (the blacks lay a little bluer egg than my wheatons).

Jean, still looking forward to adding some of your lines to my flock this spring!
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I don't know if there's any correlation, but my bluest, turquoise-est eggs are the shiny ones. The chalky finish ones seem to be more minty. I like the turquoise as well.
I think the bluest eggs I have seen in person were hatching eggs from Halo's wheatens, but then when my the girls from that hatch started laying they seemed turquoise in comparison.

I'm just ecstatic to be getting ANY eggs again!!!! C'mon lavenders!

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