Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

What marquisella said. In fact, a good way of telling if you're "doomed" or not with bad color, crack an egg open, remove the inner membrane, and look at the color of the inside of the shell. If it is at all any sort of green shade, that's a bad sign. If it is a nice blue, that's a good thing. A good blue egg should be the same color inside and out. If your eggs seem too teal or green, check the inside and it may tell you that the eggs might change, or might just stay that way.

In my experience, with BBS Ameraucanas, the color can change in the first 3 days. In W/BW Ameraucanas, it does not.
I went out to get some pics today, the rooster was eager to pose, but none of the ladies were particularly interested. Just last night I took out the dominant roo from the flock and Hansel (blue roo) has quickly become cock of the walk. He is not a ladies man by any means- more like the annoying 16 year old boys with hormones raging. I picture him with pimples and braces. He's a goof.

He has some gold leakage in his neck feathers which I am of course working on breeding out. Still a pretty handsome guy if I do say so myself.



Dear Marquisella & Illia:
I understand the blue all the way through as there are truely only 2 colors of eggshells: Blue & White. The other colors have a coating on the outside. I have not yet cracked open our 2 precious eggs - We are saving them them for this weekend. As I understand it, greenish eggs can be a blue egg with a brown coating on them. I've got what I belive are good quality birds from what everyone belives is a good quality breeder. I'm just a little confused. Can you educate me a little more please?
Egg color is very difficult, to me, to pin down. I call most of my wheaten eggs aqua, which I guess could also be a shade of turquoise. The only way to really tell color is to get the card from the Ameraucana club. Even using that, it will be confusing, because there are SO many different shades of blue and blue/green. When i post pictures of my eggs, they always look bluer than what they really are, which is why I hesitate to post pictures.
I agree with what your saying. I have some well bred Ameraucanas that started out laying a very green egg. As they continued to lay the green component faded somewhat, like a brown would over time. However, I think those first eggs let you know what you have genetics-wise. There are some brown genes there, whether the color improves over time or not.
Ok that helps a lot. I'll order this card from ABC and thanks Dak for the encouraging words. Perhaps it's just her and not the others, perhaps it's just a pullet thing going on, perhaps I'm color blind to what they are supposed to look like. I see the eggs on the thread and they look so much bluer than mine do in person but when I posted mine, it looked bluer too on the computer. Thank you!
I have EE, but thought I was getting Ameraucanas.
I have been thinking about ordering eggs from Ebay. Anyone done this and had any luck? Any one have any in Indiana/Illinois that they would sell?
Does anyone have pics of 'blue' eggs next to 'green' eggs? Ameraucanas are supposed to lay blue but how blue is the blue? Aqua has green in it. Is aqua considered blue when refering to Ameaucanas? What if a green egg has a tinge of blue? Is it green or blue? Sorry for the ignorance. I have only had EE in the past and am now raising true Ameraucanas so want to get the egg color straight.
I have ordered from eBay and BYC, I had great results from both, both came from NY. I had better results from eBay but I feel I was lucky. I bought 12+ black/lavender splits project from jerryse1952, I received 18 eggs, 14 hatched, 3 didn't make it out and one clear. From BYC BBS I bought 18+ from McSpin I do not remember the hatch rate but I still have 7 birds (5 blues, 2 splash).

You're in the right place to learn about the breed! Lots of experts here! Also try the Ameraucana Breeders Club. You can find that in a simple search on the web.

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