Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

My new flock after selling off my entire flock last year (I had 4 dozen of their eggs in my incubator)... They are about 9 months old.

The girls are muddy - only one has odd ticking.

The pullet on the right is a splash wheaten. I was told she and the girls like her are not a wheaten bird and are not a pure color (there is a lot of sarcasm in my tone).

I am not happy with the cockerel - he's by my Wayne Meredith rooster I sold. He's the best I hatched with a double beard - of which the girls have begun eating. A few of the girls are toting single beards yet. I am supposed to be getting new cockerels this year when they are ready. At least 3 of the girls are laying and I have a single egg from them in lock down now. The one set for the NYD hatch did not hatch. I am not happy with the egg color. The eggs are no longer that gorgeous robins egg blue. The Wayne Meredith boy is obviously father to many of the girls in the shed (explains the number of double beards) since the eggs are now more green. The WM boy gave me larger eggs, though.
Nice to see some one with straight Wheatens ........ have not seen straight ones lately ....... very nice birds
Who is selling hatching eggs? I would like to get some pure true ameraucanas. I love incubating and hatching and raising the chicks! I would prefer blue coloring on the birds but also understand you can get black blue or splash, which I am fine with! I also love all the breed colors! I'm in Southern California and would prefer a local pickup, but having the eggs shipped to me isn't a problem. Shipping is so rough on the eggs
just looking for a good blue ameraucana that lays nice blue eggs! Thanks, Carrie

You could try here for Blue Wheaten Ameraucana...
They may know where there are Blues available near you. I don't know if they sell hatching eggs or not.
I purposely kept a wheaten cockerel because I was getting to many blue and splash wheaten. I like all three wheaten variations, but I didn't want to see my flock turn all blue and splash.
Yes i agree ..... i love the variations also . Do you show yours ?
Yes i agree ..... i love the variations also . Do you show yours ?

Nope. Someday, maybe. At the moment I am still working on the single beard/muff gene. I lost type with the WM boy. His tail was very upright but had a gorgeous beard/muffs, tight comb and no ticking so I chose to try and work around the tail issue. So, now I have tails that are to upright to deal with.

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