Any Home Bakers Here?

@snapdragon I asked for a little scale for Christmas so I could weigh my eggs! Since then I’ve really enjoyed it for other things too.
That is why I got my scale. It is a Kamenstein. Reads in kilos, grams, pounds, ounces. But in grams only even numbers so all my eggs weigh an even number of grams even if the don't ;) But close enough. It has a tare feature which makes adding things to a mixing bowl by weight easy. Put the bowl on, turn on the scale. Dump in the proper amount of 1 ingredient, turn scale off then back on, repeat as needed. No math necessary :D

Thanks Ron...super instruction. Going to try this soon. Will keep you
posted. Another Sourdough Adventure coming up. Thanks Again, Aria
I've made it twice, didn't rise nearly as well as Ron's. He suggested adding more starter (it uses VERY little) or some yeast. Amazon says my dutch oven is coming Sunday so I'll be trying the Champlain again on Monday.

If she has her pop up blocker turned on, the link will not pop up for her. Most pop up blockers allow you to designate which pop up you wish to allow while blocking all others.
I use Chrome and AdBlock and have no problem with the Google sheet. I hover the mouse over the blue number and the link shows up, then I move the mouse over the link and click.

I made Sourdough English muffins Tues afternoon. Substituted 1/2 whole wheat flour as usual. I had the griddle a bit too hot so some of them got a little extra "toasted" on the outside. But they look right on the inside and taste good (other than a little char). I cut them out with an egg ring since the biggest cutter we have is only 2.5". Not sure why they came out different sizes!
I used this recipe
That is why I got my scale. It is a Kamenstein. Reads in kilos, grams, pounds, ounces. But in grams only even numbers so all my eggs weigh an even number of grams even if the don't ;) But close enough. It has a tare feature which makes adding things to a mixing bowl by weight easy. Put the bowl on, turn on the scale. Dump in the proper amount of 1 ingredient, turn scale off then back on. No math necessary :D

I've made it twice, didn't rise nearly as well as Ron's. He suggested adding more starter (it uses VERY little) or some yeast. Amazon says my dutch oven is coming Sunday so I'll be trying the Champlain again on Monday.

I use Chrome and AdBlock and have no problem with the Google sheet. I hover the mouse over the blue number and the link shows up, then I move the mouse over the link and click.

I made Sourdough English muffins Tues afternoon. Substituted 1/2 whole wheat flour as usual. I had the griddle a bit too hot so some of them got a little extra "toasted" on the outside. But they look right on the inside and taste good (other than a little char). I cut them out with an egg ring since the biggest cutter we have is only 2.5". Not sure why they came out different sizes!
I used this recipe
View attachment 2189336
English Muffins are so good!
That is why I got my scale. It is a Kamenstein. Reads in kilos, grams, pounds, ounces. But in grams only even numbers so all my eggs weigh an even number of grams even if the don't ;) But close enough. It has a tare feature which makes adding things to a mixing bowl by weight easy. Put the bowl on, turn on the scale. Dump in the proper amount of 1 ingredient, turn scale off then back on, repeat as needed. No math necessary :D

I've made it twice, didn't rise nearly as well as Ron's. He suggested adding more starter (it uses VERY little) or some yeast. Amazon says my dutch oven is coming Sunday so I'll be trying the Champlain again on Monday.

I use Chrome and AdBlock and have no problem with the Google sheet. I hover the mouse over the blue number and the link shows up, then I move the mouse over the link and click.

I made Sourdough English muffins Tues afternoon. Substituted 1/2 whole wheat flour as usual. I had the griddle a bit too hot so some of them got a little extra "toasted" on the outside. But they look right on the inside and taste good (other than a little char). I cut them out with an egg ring since the biggest cutter we have is only 2.5". Not sure why they came out different sizes!
I used this recipe
View attachment 2189336

I have those blasted things we never figured out what they are 3 1/2 inches make great size english muffins.. I do bake mine after they are browned for like 12 minutes at 375 .. I do not like a doughy center
I think some of the recipes do that combo of fry then bake. Seems like one would easily skip the accidental charring. I tested with a thermometer, inside temp 200°F. No worries about a hole in the side of an English muffin since you fork split them anyway.
I griddle english muffins. You do have to be careful of the heat, turn them often and move them to different places on the griddle

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