Any Home Bakers Here?

The brownies remind me of chocolate covered espresso beans. Good if you’re in the mood for a strong espresso flavor and might be more suited to Dutch cocoa than regular. I think I might cut the amount in half otherwise and try that. I want to taste espresso, but I want to taste the chocolate as well.
Good afternoon all. If you add espresso powder to an already existing recipe, how much do you use? I have a brownie recipe that I make in a 13x9
A teaspoon like Bob sid up to a tablespoon-- For that size of brownies, likely 2 teaspoons. For a double layer chocolate cake, a tablespoon
Little Better. he is having problems breathing. AND the food is awful.
Cannot have a glass of any liquid...Dr. Liquid goes to the lungs. NOT good. So the coffee is Glue like not liquid and the milk same. And he had to sign a release for a glass of water. EEK. Not good. I asked the nurse what happened to the wet sponges they gave to wet the lips? Doctors and staff are different. YOUR OWN DOCTOR DOES NOT VISIT..I am calling our Doctor Monday. Hospital patients are taken care of by
houspitaltis sp They are recent graduates that have no office, no insurance. all the stuff doctors in practice need and almost like a 9 to 5 job at the hospital. The hospital is responsible. Floyd is seen by a different doctor ...they rotate. HORRIBLE. We have been healthy and did not know this. A nurse friend of mine told me. Later Aria
Thanks for the update! I hope He is able to go home soon and get good food
Thanks, Bob. I have an attachment for my KitchenAid I could run this through. That would be similar to using a press, wouldn't it?

Oofta. Not sure I'd be doing it if I had to peel them all!

Yes, for sure! I wanted to make apple pie filling with the bigger ones, but they were on the ground and gobbled up by Nahla and the chickens before I did haha.
I do use a foley food mill to make juice.

put the juice you make through a jelly bag if you want clear juice.
I'm hoping to bake my first sourdough bread tomorrow, it all depends if this sourdough bubbles. This time using unbleached white flour. Any suggestions on how make a light springy bread with a nice crust would be gratefully recieved. :drool
Here's the jar of sourdough. :)
View attachment 2368197
Stir in 1\4 cup of flour and let it bubble again before starting the bread

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