Any Home Bakers Here?

That sounds so gooooood.........:drool
I hope it is! It was quite a circus! I looked and looked for a recipe for a 10” pie, found one that sounded good, printed it out and now where was my pie plate???? :barnieI have no idea. I had some small metal ones maybe from frozen pies so I thought ok that should work.

The crust was a recipe I had done the math on years ago to make it fit a 10” pan. As it turns out it isn’t quite enough to fit 2 8” pans. I had to roll it REALLY thin. It fell apart in many places and I don’t know why they look as good as they do.
Well indeed I did test drive the Pineapple Cake
PINEAPPLE CAKE with STREUSEL . I downloaded the Paula Dean version. It is very similar to what we have in the index posted by @ronott1
Slight difference, Ron's recipe adds ½ teaspoon salt. Paula Dean adds 1 teaspoon Vanilla to the frosting.
Posting this recipe here for easy viewing. :thumbsup I also only made the Cake portion, and topped with my traditional Streusel.
I skipped the Cream Cheese Frosting portion.

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For my eggs, I used 2 large egg equivalent,, which turned out to be 4 of my Bantam Eggs.:wee
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My can of Pineapple Tidbits.

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Consistency of my Dough. More like batter, and pourable.
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Into 2 parchment lined pans.
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Topped with Streusel
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Out of oven. Baked @350°F for 35 minutes as per instructions in recipe. Toothpick tested to indicate DONE.
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They did turn out Auburn in color.
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Surface slightly darker than interior,,,, but not by much.:old
Oh,,, and Delicious:drool:drool:drool
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This recipe is a definite KEEPER. Soft, fluffy, moist, and delicious
I was somewhat surprised by the darker Coppertone tan this cake turned out. Seen pictures of same recipe. Some were lighter in tan , and some were same as mine.
My motivation to bake this cake came from post by @BullChick . Her friend's cake was slightly lighter in color.
I baked on center rack in a Gas Oven. Not sure if that was a factor to the color turnout.:idunno
Thanks for the recipe!

Starting in the 80's, recipes lowered or removed the salt. Salt is a flavor enhancer and that half a teaspoon in the recipe is not much salt per serving LOL!

When I bake for people, I often get the comment that my bakes are not just sweet tasting.

The pineapple cake recipe that I posted is from the 70s, back when the recipes had more flavor LOL! :old:lau
80° is too hot? Okay, bringing him back in. He didn't rise yesterday but he got hooch so I fed him again. He didn't rise today either. But I'm going to keep at it, I'm sure I can get him going again. I used about 1/4 c of the dried starter, was that enough? Too much? Should I pour the hooch off or mix it in? Google has conflicting advice.
80 will not kill it! but it will not rise as well.

In the summer it is often over 80 in my house. What can you do? I do not want to run the AC all the time

Definitely do not use 110F temps for sourdough.

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