Any Home Bakers Here?

My oven broke the week of Thanksgiving. It wasn't completely useless, but things took forever to bake. Example: pumpkin pie took 2.5 hours to bake.

It was broken for THREE weeks. I will never use a third party to repair my oven again (I have a protection plan from Sears, and when they have to big a work load they use third parties).

I didn't do any special baking for me this Christmas - made two cakes, but no cookies. I did bake some (6) orange-cranberry pullas for some customers though (I have a cottage bakery). These are so good! I had to bake one for me too.

Made with the sourdough method. No commercial yeast. The flavor is to die for.

I baked these earlier this week. Herb bread. Very good. I got a book called Scandinavian Gatherings for Christmas, and it is in there. I converted to to sourdough though. I don't like commercial yeast.

This is the crumb. Amazing bread.

This is my last bake of the year. Artisan rye bread. The recipe is on Breadtopia's site. I made the sourdough version, but there are directions for yeast there too.

And the chicks. They are really growing! Since they didn't have a chance to get acclimated to the cold, they are in the house until spring, but we go out on the nicer days to play in the garden. I'll be getting more chicks in the spring too.
I made a few changes to what I have too. I sold the cuckoo marans, and the ayem cemani (turned out she was a he), and got an Olive Egger, and a Welsummer.
Beautiful breads @BakerGirl they look wonderful. Hope your oven is in top notch order now?

Also, welcome to BYC (and our baking thread) just in case I missed you on the new member forum!
My oven broke the week of Thanksgiving. It wasn't completely useless, but things took forever to bake. Example: pumpkin pie took 2.5 hours to bake.

It was broken for THREE weeks. I will never use a third party to repair my oven again (I have a protection plan from Sears, and when they have to big a work load they use third parties).

I didn't do any special baking for me this Christmas - made two cakes, but no cookies. I did bake some (6) orange-cranberry pullas for some customers though (I have a cottage bakery). These are so good! I had to bake one for me too.

Made with the sourdough method. No commercial yeast. The flavor is to die for.

Now that is what I call baking

Amazing sorry about the oven,so know the feeling..

I baked these earlier this week. Herb bread. Very good. I got a book called Scandinavian Gatherings for Christmas, and it is in there. I converted to to sourdough though. I don't like commercial yeast.

This is the crumb. Amazing bread.

This is my last bake of the year. Artisan rye bread. The recipe is on Breadtopia's site. I made the sourdough version, but there are directions for yeast there too.

And the chicks. They are really growing! Since they didn't have a chance to get acclimated to the cold, they are in the house until spring, but we go out on the nicer days to play in the garden. I'll be getting more chicks in the spring too.
I made a few changes to what I have too. I sold the cuckoo marans, and the ayem cemani (turned out she was a he), and got an Olive Egger, and a Welsummer.
Yes I used your recipe and it tasted wonderful it just my oven has two setting cold and extremely hot - not blaming tools though, I took it out too soon but should be good frozen - right

I fixed my Mom's oven last year. It needed a new thermostat sender, which on her oven is a tube that senses the temperature. It was less than $20.00 to fix it.

Maybe this will help?

Everything looks so good. I didn't do much baking this season. I made some bread and Christmas cookies. I didn't decorate them this year, I just made them in different shapes and flavors.

"Happy New Year"
@ronott1 Thanks I have had and had, the 'the fixers in' but it's a smeg and the Italians (God forgive me and my heritage) but they cannot make ovens, even cars they add extra buttons because they look pretty and have no use. Getting new oven - maybe its the bottled gas I don't know - but thanks - have tried everything.

Please give me a tip on how long to cook the 'USA' turkey I have - its getting bigger by the minute and took two of us to take it out the oven, its making so much water, is that normal?
@ronott1 Thanks I have had and had, the 'the fixers in' but it's a smeg and the Italians (God forgive me and my heritage) but they cannot make ovens, even cars they add extra buttons because they look pretty and have no use. Getting new oven - maybe its the bottled gas I don't know - but thanks - have tried everything.

Please give me a tip on how long to cook the 'USA' turkey I have - its getting bigger by the minute and took two of us to take it out the oven, its making so much water, is that normal?
I bough a new oven several years ago. It is a Natural Gas oven. Make sure the new oven is configured for the type of gas you are using. There are different sizes of orifices depending on the type or gas.

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