Any Home Bakers Here?

My oven broke the week of Thanksgiving. It wasn't completely useless, but things took forever to bake. Example: pumpkin pie took 2.5 hours to bake. :( It was broken for THREE weeks. I will never use a third party to repair my oven again (I have a protection plan from Sears, and when they have to big a work load they use third parties). I didn't do any special baking for me this Christmas - made two cakes, but no cookies. I did bake some (6) orange-cranberry pullas for some customers though (I have a cottage bakery). These are so good! I had to bake one for me too. :p Made with the sourdough method. No commercial yeast. The flavor is to die for. I baked these earlier this week. Herb bread. Very good. I got a book called Scandinavian Gatherings for Christmas, and it is in there. I converted to to sourdough though. I don't like commercial yeast. This is the crumb. Amazing bread. This is my last bake of the year. Artisan rye bread. The recipe is on Breadtopia's site. I made the sourdough version, but there are directions for yeast there too. And the chicks. They are really growing! Since they didn't have a chance to get acclimated to the cold, they are in the house until spring, but we go out on the nicer days to play in the garden. I'll be getting more chicks in the spring too. I made a few changes to what I have too. I sold the cuckoo marans, and the ayem cemani (turned out she was a he), and got an Olive Egger, and a Welsummer.
They look fabulous! Yum!!
Anyone know of a substitute for Eagle Brand Condensed Sweetened Milk?

I had planned a lemon pie, but didn't get the EB on DH's grocery list today :)
Anyone know of a substitute for Eagle Brand Condensed Sweetened Milk?

I had planned a lemon pie, but didn't get the EB on DH's grocery list today :)
You can make your own. It takes a bit, but isn't hard. Google how to make sweetened condensed milk, and you will have plenty of options to choose from.
Anyone know of a substitute for Eagle Brand Condensed Sweetened Milk?

I had planned a lemon pie, but didn't get the EB on DH's grocery list today :)

It would be cream and either ultra fine sugar or simple syrup.

Let me see if I can find something....

Close but not quite:

Healthy Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe (Without Powdered Dry Milk!)


Prep time
5 mins
Cook time
2 hours
Total time
2 hours 5 mins

Whether you're trying to avoid processed foods but want to make a favorite dessert recipe or you are just out of condensed milk, here's a substitute that everyone has ingredients for and anyone with a little patience can pull off.

Note: Ingredients often use affiliate links to Amazon, but obviously you should shop for the best price and try to keep your dollars local when you can.
Author: Katie Kimball
Recipe type: condiment

  1. Mix sugar and milk together in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Stirring often, bring to a low simmer over medium-low heat. As soon as steam starts lifting off the milk, lower the heat even further, and when the sugar is entirely dissolved, put the heat as low as it can go. A simmer burner is great for this.
  2. The goal is to reduce the quantity in the pot (which is now about 1¾ cups) by approximately half. It takes about 2 hours at very low heat to reduce to one cup of liquid. You could speed it up a bit if you watch carefully and stir often. I preferred the freedom to wander the house doing other tasks, and thus allowed my process to take quite some time.
  3. Once reduced to your satisfaction, whisk in the butter and vanilla. The recipe is equivalent to just less than one whole can of brand name sweetened condensed milk. (One can = 14 ounces, which is 2 ounces shy of 2 cups. by weight, oops! The can is equal to 1¼ cups liquid. Substitute tables for homemade condensed milk vary from 1¼ cups all the way to 2 cups. Use your judgment!)

* Depending on what final product your sweetened condensed milk will be used in, you will probably need to allow the mixture to cool considerably before using.

* One other option for a homemade sweetened condensed milk is to add ½ or ⅔ cup unrefined sugar to a can of evaporated milk. You may need to heat to fully dissolve. However, you still have to deal with the unhealthy can lining and whatever over-processing makes the milk shelf stable.
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You can make your own. It takes a bit, but isn't hard. Google how to make sweetened condensed milk, and you will have plenty of options to choose from.

You can make your own. It takes a bit, but isn't hard. Google how to make sweetened condensed milk, and you will have plenty of options to choose from.

It would be cream and either ultra fine sugar or simple syrup.

Let me see if I can find something....

Close but not quite:

Healthy Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe (Without Powdered Dry Milk!)


Prep time
5 mins
Cook time
2 hours
Total time
2 hours 5 mins

Whether you're trying to avoid processed foods but want to make a favorite dessert recipe or you are just out of condensed milk, here's a substitute that everyone has ingredients for and anyone with a little patience can pull off.

Note: Ingredients often use affiliate links to Amazon, but obviously you should shop for the best price and try to keep your dollars local when you can.
Author: Katie Kimball
Recipe type: condiment

  1. Mix sugar and milk together in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Stirring often, bring to a low simmer over medium-low heat. As soon as steam starts lifting off the milk, lower the heat even further, and when the sugar is entirely dissolved, put the heat as low as it can go. A simmer burner is great for this.
  2. The goal is to reduce the quantity in the pot (which is now about 1¾ cups) by approximately half. It takes about 2 hours at very low heat to reduce to one cup of liquid. You could speed it up a bit if you watch carefully and stir often. I preferred the freedom to wander the house doing other tasks, and thus allowed my process to take quite some time.
  3. Once reduced to your satisfaction, whisk in the butter and vanilla. The recipe is equivalent to just less than one whole can of brand name sweetened condensed milk. (One can = 14 ounces, which is 2 ounces shy of 2 cups. by weight, oops! The can is equal to 1¼ cups liquid. Substitute tables for homemade condensed milk vary from 1¼ cups all the way to 2 cups. Use your judgment!)

* Depending on what final product your sweetened condensed milk will be used in, you will probably need to allow the mixture to cool considerably before using.

* One other option for a homemade sweetened condensed milk is to add ½ or ⅔ cup unrefined sugar to a can of evaporated milk. You may need to heat to fully dissolve. However, you still have to deal with the unhealthy can lining and whatever over-processing makes the milk shelf stable.

Thanks. I had googled and there are a lot of different opines - guess I was hoping for one that doesn't have to cook an hour to reduce.
I do have a can of evaporated milk, will try that idea.
Thanks. I had googled and there are a lot of different opines - guess I was hoping for one that doesn't have to cook an hour to reduce.
I do have a can of evaporated milk, will try that idea.

Good luck, let us know how it turns out

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