Any Home Bakers Here?

Found out last year that Walnut trees can be tapped to make syrup. So here it is! We also tapped one Maple tree and made Walnut/Maple syrup. Both syrups are excellent!

Cooked down one batch too much, and it is very thick, so for the first time made molasses cookies using the thick syrup instead of molasses and they are the best cookies ever. Just the right amount of crisp on the outside, and melt in your mouth moist on the inside.
I've planted and let die several lemons.....

Maybe time to cut it and see whether it is a lime? It's not unheard of for a nursery to mess things up.

That's what I'm beginning to think, but DH want's to leave it alone and give it more time
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Found out last year that Walnut trees can be tapped to make syrup. So here it is! We also tapped one Maple tree and made Walnut/Maple syrup. Both syrups are excellent!

Cooked down one batch too much, and it is very thick, so for the first time made molasses cookies using the thick syrup instead of molasses and they are the best cookies ever. Just the right amount of crisp on the outside, and melt in your mouth moist on the inside.

That's interesting, thanks for sharing.

Found out last year that Walnut trees can be tapped to make syrup. So here it is! We also tapped one Maple tree and made Walnut/Maple syrup. Both syrups are excellent!

Cooked down one batch too much, and it is very thick, so for the first time made molasses cookies using the thick syrup instead of molasses and they are the best cookies ever. Just the right amount of crisp on the outside, and melt in your mouth moist on the inside.

I've never heard of tapping Walnut trees...interesting. Your cookies sound good!
Ohh i
want to try!!!
So maybe its a stupid question, but I live in the south (Deep south) and when I think of tapping maple trees, I think of cold and the north. Is there any reason why we don't tap down south (or do we and I just don't know this). I Love maple syrup and so I buy a lot of syrup. (mostly for my coffee).
So maybe its a stupid question, but I live in the south (Deep south) and when I think of tapping maple trees, I think of cold and the north. Is there any reason why we don't tap down south (or do we and I just don't know this). I Love maple syrup and so I buy a lot of syrup. (mostly for my coffee).
For the sap to flow the night temperatures have to be around 32F, and the daytime temps. warmer, 40-50ish. Our trees stopped flowing this week because it's only in the 30s during the day now. Next week the sap should flow again, since it will be warmer. If the night temps. stay warm like the daytime temps. the sap stops flowing. If your temps are right you should be able to tap trees and get sap.

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