Are apples okay for chickens?

Linda in San Diego, I pretty much agree with you. That's the way my Polish grand parents lived also. I think apple cores may be a problem when chickens are restrained and cannot forage for themselves, and if you just toss them what is left after juicing for instance. Where most of the apple is gone and the chickens get mostly cores. If left to their own devices, they tend to eat a little of this and a little of that, it balances out.
If I had my chickens under an apple tree instead of a persimmon tree, I don't think I would worry too terribly much.
Your apple tree will really produce after having chickens live under it, you just wait and see.
They love apples!

But you might be a little careful about picking up apples on very hot days, they might ferment and you would have drunk chickens!
i read too about the apple seeds but my chickens just dive into the dropped apples and I dont think they are bothered at all.
Its Prussic acid....which converts down into cyanide. Many fruit seeds and pits contain it. But cherry pits, peach pits and plum pits are often too thick shelled to be of concern. Apple seeds have a very thin covering.
Some fruit seeds have more prussic acid than others depending on the fruit and growing conditions and genetics. Usually apple seeds need to be eaten in large quantities.

I have never tried it but I heard you can bake apple seeds and destroy the prussic acid and it makes a good treat for people and animals.
My girls get an apple core and pear core every morning which they love. My apricots are dropping and you outta see the girls crab and run with them, they love 'em.

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