Asil (aseel) thread!!

My father is looking for all asils small or big, but I'm looking for the big asils and Saladin hasn't been active lately from what his profile says
Can anyone tell me if this is an Asil? My husband brought home chicks from a breeder...loose term since we found out the guy just bought eggs and hatched them and had no idea what they were and couldn't sex them. Long story short, out of 6 chicks 3 are roosters...2 beautiful golden australorps (I think) and the one in the photos that we thought looked like a velociraptor as a chick. :) So ugly he was cute...huge feet, stood tall, and had an underbite.

What do you think?

Unfortunately I am not set up for roosters so I need to find new homes for all of them.

Can anyone tell me if this is an Asil? My husband brought home chicks from a breeder...loose term since we found out the guy just bought eggs and hatched them and had no idea what they were and couldn't sex them. Long story short, out of 6 chicks 3 are roosters...2 beautiful golden australorps (I think) and the one in the photos that we thought looked like a velociraptor as a chick. :) So ugly he was cute...huge feet, stood tall, and had an underbite.

What do you think?

Unfortunately I am not set up for roosters so I need to find new homes for all of them.

Looks nothing like an asil sorry, it might be a cross with "asil" and has some asil blood but just by looking at the bird it isn't asil.

Here are my Asils
This is my Hyderabad Asil brood cock

This one is Asil/Burmese

My pure Asil Brood hen

And this one is Asil/Brazil
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Thank you and no need to be sorry…just seriously was wondering what breed it is. When ours stands upright he looks a lot more like your Hyderabad than what my photos show. While searching for the breed I saw posts with photos that looked like him with prices like $100 +, so I thought I better not just give this guy away. I'd rather someone who appreciates him to have him. Then I read something about birds that looked like him being fighting birds, which turns my stomach, so I wanted to be careful there as well. I posted pictures on Craigslist for 4 of my roosters and was offered $25 for all four. 3 are 4-5 months, and the 4th is almost 2 years. Does that seem like a good deal? Perhaps this is an inappropriate thread to ask questions like that. Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate it.
He looks like maybe one of the hatchery mock-ups of a Malay or Saipan or something. They just throw stuff together to get it to look similar and lay a bunch of hatching eggs and it's good enough for some people. Probably worth whatever crossbred chickens are worth in your area.
For cocks on a cord you need some type of fencing; I use electric fencing. Some folk then add a dog GP into the mix. I set traps and poison.

The main predators are typically neighbors dogs.

I've trapped/killed: coyotes, bobcats, grey and red fox, dogs, cats, and more opossums than can be numbered.
Our dogs and electric fencing takes care of all predators, 4 legged or two.


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