August Hatch-A-Long

Ok friends!!  Day 18 and on lockdown!!!!  I have 10 eggs I'm hoping will hatch without a problem :fl .  Took the turner out and laid the eggs down, all but 1 with detached air sac.  Just waiting for humidity to come up and temp to settle after moving things around.  So exciting to see the eggs moving!!!!  It's going to be so hard not to egg watch just to see them  Good luck to all with any new chicks! :jumpy
Sweet! Can you already see the movement? I think my hatch day may be delayed by 1 day due to the power outage, so we may have same day hatches :)
Your eggs heat up and cool much slower than the incubator so they are likely doing okay.  I saw a video of some folks hatching turkey eggs in a rubbermaid tub with a heating pad.  She had good hatches and said she didn't worry if the temp went 10 degrees above or below!  She just readjusted it whenever she saw the temp was too high or too low.  I decided to freak out less of it went up or down a bit and eggs have always survived.

When I was a child I knew a woman who hatched in an open air tub with a single lightbulb for heat in the living room of her wood heated home . She had to have temp fluctuations- I grew up in the mountains on NE Washington. I know some didn't make it, but I'll never forget seeing the 1st egg hatch! She had no thermometer, no hygrometer, & certainly no concern for humidity. So keep hope, some of them can survive a lot! (Says the woman with no successful hatch under her belt LOL).

:celebrate Hatch day is tomorrow :celebrate
YAY! Have you seen rocking yet?
So do you put the rock were you put water? I have a drawer thing to put water in.
I kept the rock outside of my water because I didn't think it would help much to combine them. I'm new at this, but as I understand it, heat sinks need to be separate of each other to soak up as much heat as possible to radiate it when the bator temp drops. If you are having trouble with space, I saw 1 bator with palm sized rocks glued to the sides & even the underside of the bator lid. She said she used a glue called liquid nails. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with worry that a rock would come detached & fall on an egg, but she says that hasn't happened to her.
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New to BYC. First hatch I have ever done and it is a staggered hatch! Maybe not the best choice... Initially had 5 americauna eggs ( which were from my own hens and beautiful rooster), 12 shipped penciled rock eggs and 15 BLR Wyandotte eggs. 4 out of the the 5 ameraucana eggs hatched yesterday and were due today...all healthy and beautiful. When I candled the fifth it looked like it quit on day 8. Now have the penciled rocks in bator. ..due Wed. Wyandotte eggs, shipped from Foul Weather Far
[/IMG]m in Tx, only had about 1/3 eggs that were fertile. So now have 6 eggs in bator that are viable.
They are adorable!
My hatch date is the 30th.

Mine too. I am currently on day 3 and I am waiting excitedly for the new peeps, although my other hens aren't because since one hen become broody, they are all avoiding the nest boxes. This calls for an egg hunt.
Mine too. I am currently on day 3 and I am waiting excitedly for the new peeps, although my other hens aren't because since one hen become broody, they are all avoiding the nest boxes. This calls for an egg hunt.

We had a duck go broody for about a week on some eggs then stop, had out hen go broody on her eggs for a few days then stop. So we decided to just incubate, so we got freash eggs and have 6 eggs in the bator. On day 3..I can't wait until they hatch!
Sweet! Can you already see the movement? I think my hatch day may be delayed by 1 day due to the power outage, so we may have same day hatches
This is very nerve racking!!! Yes I can see them shaking there eggs around! Its so hard not to sit there and just watch them and wait for them to rock but definately saw 2 moving. Had a hard time getting my humidity up...uggg. I think I got it now but hoping they will be ok since it took till this a.m. I'm sure somewhere it said to add warm water but dummy me didn't think about it till this morning. I just was adding room temp. distilled out of jug
Its at least at 65 humidity and 99 temp right now. I will be watching like crazy to see how it fluctuates today and maybe add a little more warm water. Can't wait to see how your eggs do! Good luck!!

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