August Hatch-A-Long

The results of this past weekend's hatch.This was my first somewhat successful hatch. Started with 12 eggs and ended up with 4 healthy chicks. Temperatures ended up being off for the better part of the incubation.

Partridge cochin, ameraucana, olive egger, and black? cochin. Putting 10 more eggs in the bator on thursday!

The results of this past weekend's hatch.This was my first somewhat successful hatch. Started with 12 eggs and ended up with 4 healthy chicks. Temperatures ended up being off for the better part of the incubation.

Partridge cochin, ameraucana, olive egger, and black? cochin. Putting 10 more eggs in the bator on thursday!

They are so cute!! Posing for their pics!! Congrats
Hatch day for me too and nothing exciting! A little rocking, but no pips here either. We did have a power outage at one point though, for about 6 hours, and I did set them at night. Maybe there will be more happening this evening :fl

Good luck everyone!
When I was a child I knew a woman who hatched in an open air tub with a single lightbulb for heat in the living room of her wood heated home . She had to have temp fluctuations- I grew up in the mountains on NE Washington. I know some didn't make it, but I'll never forget seeing the 1st egg hatch! She had no thermometer, no hygrometer, & certainly no concern for humidity. So keep hope, some of them can survive a lot! (Says the woman with no successful hatch under her belt LOL).
YAY! Have you seen rocking yet?
I'm going to keep up hope! I will never give up! lol ok enough of that. I do plan to candle on Saturday. I will try to get pics and post them! This is a much more stressful endeavor than I anticipated! Definitely a learning experience! I am praying for my Barnevelders. I want those blue double laced little buggers! lol Congrats to those with successful hatches!
Well we are going to see how the humidity at 65 and temp at 99/100 is for hatching cause I can't seem to keep bator any higher on humidity
. Bundle of nerves for the next 48 hrs
Today was day 10 for the dozen shipped Cream Brabanter eggs I was incubating. I candled them and they were all still clear with no sign of development, so I pulled the plug on them. I opened each one and they all had a ruptured yolk and not even the slightest trace of blood. Trying to get viable eggs from this dealer has been an ongoing nightmare since April, so I am just giving up on this breed.

But on a happier note, 10 of the 14 shipped Buckeye eggs that are on day 13 candled solid dark.

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