AYAM CEMANI - Pure Black chicken, inside and out!

Do you want my pairs for sale in cali I only have a picture of the stag right now. And there for $6,050 right now.
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I was gifted an Ayam Cemani cockerel, and he recently broke his toenail. I can say definitely their blood is red like everything else!
Does anyone have a male ayam cemani for sale that is cheap, I might be getting a female but I would need a male. If I can get a male I will GIVE the person who sold the rooster to me either a a dozen-18 eggs or chicks. (less than 100 or close to 100)
Hey! i have 20 ayam cemanis, i bought them a couple years ago. I found them online and could not not get them! lol when I go in the coop to feed several of them fly over and land on my shoulders or arms and a couple like to fall asleep on me. When they start laying again this summer I am planning on hatching as many as I can out so I can heavily cull out some white. ill have to figure out what to do with a bunch of them I guess lol
My Black Jersey Giant rooster mated with a silky, and I now have an average sized hen that is black inside and out with an exaggerated pouf on her head!

I just wanted to share some pictures of some of my cemanis hanging out outside in the snow!
in the background of the taller pic you can see another cemani on the boat behind the first two chickens.
(one of my barred rocks and cull cemanis) they love hanging out in the snow storms!

I had to share this picture after reading about them not handling cold well, but I have these two that
are never forced to stay outside. but they would prefer to be out in the cold than inside. (until feeding of course) lol

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