Baby chick can't stand up!

I was wondering if you sorted this problem out? I have the same thing with a pekin bantam chick. Not sure about sticking anything to its legs has there furry. Would appreciate any help thank you.
Sorry I didn't see this post sooner, Jake. No, I finally culled him a few days after hatching, it was awful but nothing was helping and in the end it was the best decision I think I could have made.

I hope yours get better!
I had one hatch yesterday with curled toes. I did the bandaid on both feet but it can't stand at all. It's shoulders are very small, almost not there and the legs go straight forward. Any tips as to how to get its legs underneath him? I am giving water with eye dropper and added electrolytes. Has not eaten yet but constantly uses its wings to try to stand but just cant. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ok I just bought some Bantams from TSP and thought it was just sleeping so I pick it because sit was so tiny but got home and noticed it would not stand and just lays there and I have a video of it not sure I can post videos but I'll try. I'm not thinking straddle leg but I'v only been raising chickend a year now. I can return her but I seriously don't want to do that, I know she will surely die please help
Rookie chick raiser here. My little chick did exactly the same thing. He still has a bit of yolk hanging on him too I think, so I wonder if he hatched a bit early. He has strength in his neck, but his legs don't seem to be able to get underneath him. I am going to try all of the suggestions here and see if they work.
BTW...the other eggs are over 21 days. I just candled them (like the website said to and some of them are still viable :)
I've had some hatch with a lot more of the yolk still on them and eventually they were all ok. Just don't try and pull it off. I have had some also hatch at 24 days. Hope this helps some and good luck.
update: the chick seems healthy this morning and can hold up his head, but he can't get his legs under him. Do I brace them? Any ideas.

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