Blue Buffalo dog food vs. 4 health dog food

I am seriously considering just switching back to Blue Buffalo!
Thats true that it has wheat in it, I don't know how good/bad that is.
In my opinion lamb versions of most dog foods is better. I also think its ok to switch foods it just depends on your dogs. You can't go wrong with blue buffolo. You would do well with 4health for your pups too.
Okay, so I just need some opinions on this, and hopefully the answer to my problem. What is the best dog food for the price? The next switch needs to be final. I would prefer to get this food from TSC or a small pet shop about 10 miles from my house. I could also go to Petco or Petsmart that is about 20 miles from my house. I know you might not know all the foods at the pet shop since it doesn't have a website, but if you suggest something I will check it out next time I am there. Thanks!
i have always used blue buffalo with no issues and a very healthy bull terrier. i know that it is harder for some dogs to get used to a new food than others. when we got our second bull terrier as a rescue, we didnt have his old food to mix with the new stuff and he was very ill for a couple of days, then healthy as an ox afterward...
I agree it is great food, but it is SO expensive. Is there anything you know of that is pretty good, but not so pricey?
I think 4health would be a good choice for you. If you dint like the price of blue, one thing you could do is get a bag of 4health and get a smaller bag of blue buffalo and mix them like 2/3 4h and 1/3 BB that way you' stretch the blue.

I mix my TotW with Authority so it goes further, but they have the best of both in a way. I think I will try 4health next time I get dog food, I'm curious now.

My collie pup who is 7mos. has a sensitive stomach is having a hard time switching to TotW so I have to mix it and slowly get her used to the no grain/corn diet. it just depends on the dog.

aubreynoramarie, do you have pictures of your bullies? They are my favorite dog breed.
Yeah, it does seem like a pretty good food. I might start mixing it, but if 4 health is good, I don't think I will spend the $$. I was reading a review on 4 health, and it said the Lamb and Rice formula didn't have enough meat. It looks like it has the same amount of meat, just better quality rice and less cereal grains.
I've a horrable time with dog food. We finally found dimond natruals at of all places menards. LOve it!! Good food for the price. And nobody is sick.
I have considered Dimond Naturals, but I thought I read somewhere that 4 health was better quality.
If it is better then I will might switch to that. Is it corn free?

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