Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

Slick4591, have you gotten a cance to look at the other pictures I posted?

Sorry, I just got back to this thread. I'm with Donna, I think they are just too young to tell at this stage and I'm looking at a monitor. In that 3-4 week age they should show more comb. I have some out there now that are the age of yours and I still can't tell. Did you read earlier where I posted that I really suck at sexing at early stages?:lau
color quality. when you breed splash to splash you will lose color. they will fade to almost white after about 3 generation. you can use a blue with them to keep the color nice. but breeding splash to splash will not work out well in the long run.
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if those BCM are the ONLY possible parents then I would say that they carry the wheaten gene Hidden with them, its fairly common for breeders to mix the Wheaten Marans and BCM so both of your stock have this gene hidden because wheaten is recessive to the Birchen e allele that would make them ER/eWh when crossed together some pure eWh/eWh are expected Now that explan the White/Cream looking chick, the Other Chicks are weird, now the ONLY Possible way I can explan this withotu calling those chicks Mutts or Not marans are the following.. one of the Hens(or rooster) could also carry the Wildtype chick down gene found on the Super Rare Golden Salmon Marans, now if your Rooster is indeed ER/eWh and one of yoru hens is ER/e+ then some of those chicks will have to be e+/eWh and e+/eWh chicks cand and do look chipmunk stripped.. hope this helps
now this chick looks exactly like the Rare Golden Salmon Marans(wildtype chicks) here is some info on them
now it would be quite easy to reproduce them in the USA if one used Welsummer stock, and even if people were not trying to Re-create this type of maran in the USA, BCM x Welsummer cross is common also so this type of chick should be expected from time to time as the wildtype chick down is also recessive to ER found on Black/Blue Copper marans, so one of your birds could be hiding e+ wildtype as in ER/e+ form

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