BYC Café

I finished installing the misting system in the coops today. The chickens all seem pleased. When I got done, and turned it on, there were happy clucks from all of them. Even with our high humidity it does help. Between the fans, and the misters, the coop was very tolerable, even though it was 97 degrees out today.
When I turned mine on earlier this hot season, they were standing wings out. Very quickly they were standing normal and very happy!
I finished installing the misting system in the coops today. The chickens all seem pleased. When I got done, and turned it on, there were happy clucks from all of them. Even with our high humidity it does help. Between the fans, and the misters, the coop was very tolerable, even though it was 97 degrees out today.

I have a on first thing after the flock is let out, mister a few hours later so the coop is already cooling down when they go in for the afternoon. Don't think I don't hear about it if I'm late though :rolleyes:
A silly thing to post but I'm extremely pleased with myself for hanging on to this knife for all these years and the replacement hickory handle I made for it.
This is the model when bought.
This is mine.
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While I'm at it.
This is broody case No 23 this year. She's havin a larf right. There is no way that's a safe nest! She's in her coop now looking very pissy.:love
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And this is broody case No 24 this year.View attachment 1824790
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This is about as safe as it gets. Bright shot with main light on and dark shot with light on in the kitchen area so I can see to cook my supper.
I put the bits of plywood up at night to keep the light out of their eyes.
I'm nuts right? someone tell me I need to get some help.:rolleyes:
That knife is sweet. How neat to have made the handle yourself. Although, I've seen pictures of some of your pieces, so not surprised!

I think it's completely crazy that you have chickens inside your house nesting, but also maybe slightly envious so... Can't lie and say you need help :p
That knife is sweet. How neat to have made the handle yourself. Although, I've seen pictures of some of your pieces, so not surprised!

I think it's completely crazy that you have chickens inside your house nesting, but also maybe slightly envious so... Can't lie and say you need help :p
What I find interesting about the house nest box, apart form the opportunity it gives to study nesting and broody behaviour is it is by far the preferred nesting site for any hen that knows of it's existence. Not all the hens here do know it's here. The bantams rarely come in the house at all mainly because it's Tribe 1 territory. I've had 11 different hens try to nest here since I installed the nest box. They queue up to use it. It has none of the features conventional wisdom would have us believe is important for a nest site. It's not dark, private or closed in. If one thinks about nest sites for wild jungle fowl and some of the more recent discoveries about the importance of certain light frequencies on embryo development it starts to make more sense. I can't imagine a nest site on the ground in a jungle is a particularly quiet and private environment. Other creatures must come and go around these nest sites night and day.

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