BYC Café

Piper was is the lead. Bella launched off the deck and landed on Piper and smashed her head/mouth into the flagstone she was on. Piper yelped and stood up with her head and mouth all squirrelly, looking like she was trying to adjust it and she kept licking the right side of her mouth.
I keep seeing this<cringe> in my mind, YIKES!!
Glad she's OK...and no doubt you were 'owed' a good cry.

Today is finally shaping up, had problems earlier accessing banking to pay bill due monday.
Now is all good again with that...and chook chow and people chow all stocked up, along with deli lunch bonus.
Thanks for the hot coffee! It is 6 F outside but absolutely beautiful with the sliver of the moon on the snow. I had book group last night and it was good to see this group of friends again after the Holidays. DH just hid upstairs and and watched his shows even though I said he was welcome to hang out for dinner. Too much energy for him, I guess. LOL! My cat, however, was in the middle of it and begging for pets and scratches.
I hope everone at the Cafe has a wonderful Saturday!
Stay warm and safe!
Good News...have seen some redder combs the last few days and this morning one hen came in and checked out a couple nests while I was cleaning. She went in and out of 2 then right back out the door, but it'll be soon I'm sure.

Bad forecast looks intimidating, hoping it's wrong, but 'snow bound' is eventually gonna happen. Hope I can find a competent plower when the time comes.

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