BYC Café

Thanks, it did.
This morning it's worn off and not easy moving around, some muscle pain all over but mostly knee joints are swollen and range of motion is very limited. Haven't had to walk so gingerly in a long time. But at least I can walk unaided.
Not sure how moving the new feed bag out to coop is gonna go later tho.<cringe>
Oh, I was wondering how much you were going to feel it in the morning… Ice for the knees? Do you have a neighbor or someone who could help you with that feed bag?
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

We ended up with about 7 inches. Today we are under a wind advisory.
Sounds like a good day to hunker down and stay home. We’re in a weather advisory for today through tomorrow morning. Only mentioning snow (2-4”) and possibly slippery roads so far. No mention of wind.
Oh, I was wondering how much you were going to feel it in the morning… Ice for the knees? Do you have a neighbor or someone who could help you with that feed bag?
Yeah, the morning after is always worse, as I age I've found the morning after the morning after can be even worse. :gig
It all could have been worse overall, no broken bones, just more tendon/ligament damage to the old knees. Another dose of breakfast ibuprofen will get me some relief to get thru errands and chores later. No one to help really and have a couple manageable plans in mind to get the feed moved without further damage. I've been dealing with torn up knees for decades and have a few tricks in my bag.

@aart wasn't it NOT that too long ago you had a messed up shoulder? Hopefully that fall didn't reinjure it.
No, not me....I think that was @DobieLover .
I'll be going to the store today on "the dry day of the week." I'll forewarn hubby that anything NOT gotten this trip will involve him driving me to the store.

My back is feeling it a bit today.

I hauled the unsplit logs up a hill and stacked them. Hubby cut them the day before. This is from a maple tree that came down in August, so it'll be for next year.

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