Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Chilly Coop Contest!

The quaint little chick coop waiting peacefully in the snow for the spring brood. Once they are big enough, the chicks always love perching in the mountain ash tree.
Here in CT, i suppose I started winter prep too soon. Not only have i removed half the tarp wrap on run, but also raked and removed all wet/mushy matter. So much rain has left the run mushy and very moist. (Its normally snow).The ground is normally well frozen by now. This morning was the first morning that the water-ers and ground are kinda frozen. To prep winter i lay at least a bale of straw for warmth and cushion, but with all the rain we've had, i had to remove ALL straw and start over. Someone mentioned their run looks like a muddy mosh pit. That sounds about right. Not any more tho. Off to buy another bale of straw. I'm absolutely nuts about these hens 🐓❤️ and I wouldn't change a thing! Good luck everyone. Whens spring? 🌸🌺

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