Chat N Chicknfun Thread

Tony, I have been wanting to tell you that I really Love your sig!
Couldn't agree more!! People are losing touch, and need reminded a little

Quote: i am indeed lucky wuth my monster !!! yep each egg is that much to hatch eat or carve ...
Yeah, if I could sell eggs for that much, I would not want to know what a person does with it, I would just run to the bank. WAIT, how many per year do they lay? 1?
6-11 according to google ... so not a lot in a year ....
wow looks like ya'll had a blast last night !!! great to see new people !!!! hope to see ya'll back whenever ya can stop by ..
my friends mom has a crushed arm with bones broken in several places but is doing okay today .. they did surgery to repair most of the breaks this morning from what I understand !!

on a happier note -
my eggs are here my eggs are here ... and in the replacements there was only one broken one !!!
and chirp - hope you are healing nicely this morning / afternoon !!
Hey back at all ya'll!
Yes, moving around, so chores abound. Geez, wouldn't it be nice to afford a maid or house cleaning service?? I mean to clean my house and yard, not me start a business to do someone else's. Although, they can knock out some bucks, especially under the table. haha Just getting to old, stiff and bummed up to be climbing up and down, crawling over, under, cleaning up someone else's mess, ya da ya da....whoops, I'm rambling.

I was able to take care of all the birds this am and noon, fertilize and watering garden. Came inside. Signed online and passed out. I'm sure gonna miss those pain meds!
No, not really.

So, do tell. What's up with you? hummm?

Wow, sounds like Silver's friend's Mom took a real whammy in that wreck. Pain!
Yoo Hoo for her with the eggs here and. . . ready, set, go! I'll want to keep up with that too. I think I'm done hatching for a while.
Got to be ready to introduce a staggered age group of chickies to each other and 2 other flocks. That's gonna be fun. I'll be fussing and screaming at 'em to be nice, and poppin' 'em up side the head if they get mean, kiddding. . . no, not really, but I'll be nice, promise.
Hope to get the roo situation settled this weekend. I've got my suspicions since they will be 6 weeks old, but I'll run it by you guys if you want to help me out. Then a look at rehoming and Freezer Camp. (dread)

Has any one heard anything on that fox? It amazes me that they will continue to come back once they have been discovered (coons too). They really make one heartbreaking mess out of a coop. I hope Bush has a way to "settle the score" with that critter soon!

I'm gonna look around BYC for a bit before DH gets home and see what's going on. I'll keep checking back in between fixing supper, etc. I tend to leave my computer on late at night, duh, like last night, so I don't know if it shows I'm online or not. Was glad to see your post today.

I really enjoyed hanging out with you guys last night.
You know, I'm not real good at this, I thought I was posting to Chicknfun. That's OK, with me catching you Silver, was sending it out to the whole gang. Hope your eggies do well. Have you hatched before? Dumb question? heehee, well, I'm still a newbie, so one or two dumb questions would be Ok, OK? hehee

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