Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)


I just found my BI's nest. Must have been her last one before I cooped her in a run. There still should be
One more nest somewhere. They are great egg hiders.

I just found my BI's nest. Must have been her last one before I cooped her in a run. There still should be
One more nest somewhere. They are great egg hiders.
Beautiful eggs, they almost blend right in with the plants.
Oh my goodness! I am so very excited! I have NO splash's in my coop and I was drooling over everyone's splash pics!!! How do the others look to you? The one father may have been a BCM/BI roo...
If it helps, the father would have had to have been a blue rooster - you need 2 copies of the black diluter (blue) gene, one from each parent, in order to get splash. I must add, if there is any question as to the parentage, please don't use the chicks in an Isbar breeding program, even if they appear pure. But they should be GREAT layers! I have a couple of Isbar mix girls that are wonderful layers.

Oh, BTW, beautiful eggs!
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If it helps, the father would have had to have been a blue rooster - you need 2 copies of the black diluter (blue) gene, one from each parent, in order to get splash. I must add, if there is any question as to the parentage, please don't use the chicks in an Isbar breeding program, even if they appear pure. But they should be GREAT layers! I have a couple of Isbar mix girls that are wonderful layers.

Oh, BTW, beautiful eggs! :love

I am not doing any specific breeding yet. Is there any sop guidelines on breeding them?
Just what I needed - another breed to drool over! Do you people who put these spotlight on breeds know how much it costs to continually replace drooled on keyboards?
I had 2 breeds before coming here. 2. TWO.
I just keep adding to my "wish list" with every new breed focus. Forget a new keyboard...I need a bigger place for more coops for more chickens for more ranging space for more run space. More, more, more. This place is hazardous for those of us easily influenced. :p
And whybi didn't even KNOW I had 11 more birds than I thought and am scrambling together a new coop lol ;) DANGEROUS! They look an awful lot like the Blue Andalusian... Which I also just got suckered into by McMurray, as a freebie... Argh! No more!... Right now.... :p
I am not doing any specific breeding yet. Is there any sop guidelines on breeding them?
There is no SOP. Even in Sweden they are still working on an official description. Martin Silverudd never filed an official description of the Blue Isbar before he died. However, on our FB group, we have some members from Sweden, including directors of the group responsible for preserving the Blue Isbar and other Silverudd breeds. They are advising us about the characteristics that do/do not belong in breeding Isbars.

How can you get hold of these lovely ladies in UK? Any breeder out there?
Welcome to BYC! I'll send you a PM.

My blue isbar out and about...she always looks like she's on a mission!
What a lovely lady!

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