Chicken math

So, I have a math question. I'm allowed 8. I'm picking up 8 (i'm full right??)

This chicken math doesn't work on mean old gruff men, RIGHT???? LOL

Here's how the math works for your situation - start with these 8 (are they chicks or started/grown birds?) - next year you need to "freshen" the flock so when the chicks start showing up in farm stores, etc you will "need" to pick up four more birds - this will help to assure continuity of egg supply as your new birds will begin laying in the fall just as the existing flock of 8 starts to slack off for molt (assuming these are not newly hatched chicks you are picking up now).
Alternatively, for particularly stubborn old, gruff men you may need to wait until the original group actually starts to slack off on production and then use that as the leverage to obtain new birds as some folks have to have the experience of suddenly having to eat store bought eggs for a few days before they see the wisdom in adding to the flock, lol.
You guys kill me. ROFL My wife swears the only reason I converted an 8x8 shed to a coop was to make sure i had room for more than 8.

BTW: Getting 2 day old chicks tomorrow. Confirmed shipped Monday and arrival tomorrow. My first baby chicks since I was a kid.
So I said no more! Then the opportunity came up to take in 9 Belgian D'uccle chicks, how could I say no!! I love it when I'm drowning in chookies but I know it won't be long till the young ones start heading out to new homes, one day I will be able to afford some land and can have as many as I want!!
Just picked up 3 silkie chicks so hopefully I get future Broodies, that makes 25 (13 cockerels & 12 pullets) chicks 6 weeks old, incubated from my mixed flock. Now just waiting on my brahma pullets to begin laying so I can incubate those. I plan on year round chicks.
Well, I was wrong! Being a mean old gruff man didn't help today at the feed store. Wife and I agreed on 6 chickens. Then I got there and Seatrout00 mentioned potential issues integrating chicks that are 2-3 months younger than the rest of the flock. So, trying to avoid any potential issues in 3 months, I got 2 more. Then we got to thinking what happens if one dies or was mis-sexed and is a boy? SO, got one extra just in case.

Wife was very surprised to see 9 chicks in the pen when she was expecting only 6. I blamed it on chicken math. I'm still in a little hot water. Good thing they're cute and she likes them.
Well, I was wrong!  Being a mean old gruff man didn't help today at the feed store.  Wife and I agreed on 6 chickens.  Then I got there and Seatrout00 mentioned potential issues integrating chicks that are 2-3 months younger than the rest of the flock.  So, trying to avoid any potential issues in 3 months, I got 2 more.  Then we got to thinking what happens if one dies or was mis-sexed and is a boy?  SO, got one extra just in case.  

Wife was very surprised to see 9 chicks in the pen when she was expecting only 6.  I blamed it on chicken math.  I'm still in a little hot water.  Good thing they're cute and she likes them.  :D

This is just the beginning! I started with my daughter bringing home 6 free chickens. Now I have 125 chickens, 43 ducks and 16 guineas and an incubator. Trying to convince my DH that we need pheasants and peafowl.

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