Coffee's ready...

Morning Karl, Rancher,

@rancher hicks - To me, only a few things should have chocolate one them, bacon and pretzels aren't one of them. What happen to your potatoes?

I grew/tired potatoes last year? year before? Found out I couldn't eat them so that was the end of them. The kids loved them, thought they were good. My biggest problem was keeping them in the ground to long. I grew them in raised beds which seems to knock off a few weeks ( if not more) of the growing season. So they were done well before their time. I don't know about the flowers (removing or not). I was wondering about the same with garlic. I didn't see a difference this year.

@KARL - You have me thinking about roasted sweet potatoes and oinions....

Enjoy your day


I planted them in Towers and planted five varieties. When I thought it was time I dumped them over only to fine nothing but a very few little bits. Not even as big as those they started out with.

I still have two towers growing but haven't seen any flowers. I bought them at the grocers but will try from somewhere else next year. I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.

About those from the store? I have had them grow in the compost pile, though I've never looked for taters. Usually I break the green off adding more stuff. Or the chickens scratch them up.

Soft neck garlic doesn't get "scapes" where as hard neck to and the scapes have to be cut off. You can chop up the scapes for cooking or make Pesto. DW did some pesto but we haven't eaten it yet.

There are grapes on the vines this year. Not many but some.

@rancher hicks - How was the foliage? I harvest ours well past the foliage turning yellow and dying back. If I can remeber correctly, they seem to enjoy alot of water in the begining, then as they mature I cut the water back. I did have a few rot on me, but I think that was because I had them in the ground to long. I harvest them mid to end of july. I also used seed potatoes, russted and a red.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Rancher ,I do not know about cutting off the flowers I have never done it or heard of it . Q I will have to try roasted sweet potatoes and onions. Almost all of my onions rotted in the garage. we had some hot days and they need to be kept cooler than that I guess. I managed to save about 5 lbs for pickles and what not. almost time to butcher ,I hope I can get to it ,the cornish rocks are so fat that they can hardly walk. If I do not get back to you guys have a great labor day week end!
God Bess!
Morning people,
Days starting off with some high humidty here, cloudy. Took the deck off yesterday, alot of running around plus picked more tomatoes and canned them. Back at it today, the boss is home.....All that is really left are the stairs. We were thinking of having no stairs and hang a large "UNWELCOME" mat were the stairs would go. I don't know if zoning would go for it. When it's finish, I'll be one of those old crazy men, that yells at people for driving to fast, yelling " I know your parents", "slow down you little ......" etc. See what color I can change the ladies here. And just think, dream didn't even cost me a buck (lotto).

I hope everyone and family have a happy and safe holiday,

Enjoy the one you are with,

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Looking forward to the week end around here . We have been on 12 hour days for about 2 weeks ,I am thinking about telling the guys to work through lunch and take off at one for their 8 and go home to start the week end early. Maybe I will wait on that and hope that they get a little more done . I do not want them going in to vacation brain before thew work is accomplished.
Have a great labor day to all!
God bless!
Morning all,

Went yesterday to learn to wrap DW arm. She has to have it wrapped 24/7 but will be using a machine for an hour each day. Still life is good.

Picked her some raspberries yesterday and she does like the Black cherry type tomatoes. I will be getting her to make her Egg plant whatever it is, that I like. I don't like egg plant much and only plant it for her. She's supposed to make Egg plant Parm for her and chicken parm for me.

Gave away a bunch of youngsters yesterday but held back five. I don't cotton to driving to an auction that is far away. No sense as there is not much money to be had and I don't buy birds there.

Lots of grass mowing here to do. I've been digging out the runs in the evening after the birds are in and dumping it into the compost. With lights in the run and around the garden there is plenty to work in the dark if need be.

Well folks have a good day,

Morning People,

@rancher hicks - I hope all is going well with your better half. Our grass needs to be mowed, but the mower deck went. I never seen one rust out before while still is use. But then again, maybe it goes to show how often the lawn is mowed........

@karl E lutz - I had to switch pay day from a Friday to a Monday. To many "pickled" people showing up to work on Saturday, then usually by Wedsenday/Thursday running out of money.

We are going to check out a farmers market across the river today. See what they have and pricing. We are pretty set from our garden, but want to make sure I have time to put things up. The peaches around here took a beating this spring with a cold snap(?). 2 of our 4 peach trees fruited. So we heard someone has them, also more beets. Our granddaughter loves my pickle beets.

I can't beleive it, the deck is almost done. Maybe a day left........

Be safe and enjoy the one your with this holiday season,

I used to have TWO mowers. A used Ariens that was great but my SIL, broke it as he did the newer craftman. He is just to rough, trying to run through the yard. I had the craftman fixed but put the Ariens on the curb.

I haven't gotten a second one yet. I really need a rider, but the yard is so uneven and rutted in some places.

Anyhow you might be able to find a used Deck for yours.

I'm hoping for a few more weeks of warm weather so the few tomatoes that I have can ripen. Of course that means getting ready for next year.

I've a 8 + year old hen who is broody. I might have mentioned her. I struggling with whether to give her eggs or not. I've got to make up my mind. I've got youngsters that won't be laying until spring and one chick much later than that.

The hen with the one chick to somewhere else, I'd stick Frenchy where she is and put the heat light over her. I worry the stress of sitting will do her in before her time. Any advice anyone?

School starts next week so I'll be back in the kitchen. DW has some new fabric to make me some new "manly" aprons. I'll try to get her to come in on at least one day and make the cakes.

Well take care folks and be good.


Morning People,
I hope everone had a safe and pleasant holiday. We went for a nice walk on Sunday, little over 13 miles. It was one of the flatest trails in the Catskill Mountains that we ever did. We are sowly working on doing all the trails in the Catskill Mountains. We figure, we have about 19 hikes to go. Our biggest problem, we only bring one vehicle, so we have to back track out. We aren't group hikers, plenty of times we have strayed off the beaten path to look at something. One year, we broke a trail during a winter hike and added maybe a extra mile or so to the hike., and someone was following us/trail and was mad for straying off the trail.

@rancher hicks - Don't know what to say, I try not to deal with it. I'm not setup for sitting hens, so I try to stop them when I see them starting to sit.

I should have the deck done today (story of my life, this summer). Electrians is putting a 220 panel in the shop today. Putting in a small meat pump this fall......

Enjoy your day and the people you are with.

Good morning chicken wranglers
Q, I have not had to try that but I suppose it would work ,pity when people drink up their pay like that. Where in
New York are you? I have some friend s that just moved to a place 1 hour north of the city. Jim says that there are bears everywhere in this place . he has seen 4 or five since moving. So is this the case where you and your wife go for these walks?
Rancher you should brood some birds and sell them and at least profit enough to cover your feed.
Right now the local walmart is selling eggs for $.39 a dozen. No way you can produce them for that and profit at those prices ,I wonder who they are trying to put out of business? Same with milk $.94 a gallon? What is up ?
Well have to work God Bless!

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