Consolidated Kansas

LOL - just had to laugh at this! I'm not supposed to have roos either but ended up with four from a straight run. Processed three a couple of months ago, leaving me with a young un that wasn't crowing. He crowed two days after noticing he had become the head roo. At first it wasn't bad - he only crowed in the coop first thing in the morning so I wouldn't open the coop until he was done. But he gradually got louder and started crowing on and off all day. My neighbors have been really nice and haven't complained but I didn't want to push my luck so yesterday morning, had to process him too. He was actually the hardest as he was a pretty good roo aside from the crowing. But I must admit, the silence this morning is bliss...
I know what you the fall 40 feels cold, but in the winter and early spring it feels toasty!!

Forecast is 50 for us for at least the next three days! So nice to be able to go outside without all the extra clothes.
I live in Ottawa! Im glad to see so many people from Kansas.. and i thought i was the only one!
My chickens have been LOVING this weather! They are starting to free range again with a few new members added to my flock this year. My duck loves the fact that the snow is melting and making HUGE puddles for him to swim around in. Luckily i am getting another duck tomorrow.
Hello Kansas! I live in Wichita & have no chickens - yet. I just joined BYC a few weeks ago after reading the site for a while, and I finally had time to read all the way through the (our!) Kansas thread! As to the cold weather we've had, I was in Newton, KS, at 3 am Jan. 9, which I think was the coldest night around here -- boy, was it COLD and DARK and WINDY!! (I was catching the train to Santa Fe to work on my daughter's wedding dress. And while I was in Santa Fe I had limited Internet access.) But I'm home now, and I'm happy to say I brought warmer weather back with me! ;-)

Since Wichita's new animal ordinance allows us 3 chickens without a permit, I plan to start with just 3. But I have to wait until after the wedding March 19, because everyone I would ask to watch my animals will also be going to Santa Fe for the wedding! I can hardly wait, but it's prolly a good thing, because that should give me time to set up a coop & etc.

The one piece of advice I got from a friend of my husband's who's an ornithologist at WSU was to get local birds, so they're acclimated to our weather. Where did y'all get your chicks? (I want to start with babies so I can be their mom - yep, empty nest syndrome.) Even with the cold we've had, and all the talk on BYC about keeping the chickens warm, I keep thinking, "Yeah, and in August it'll be over 100°!" I'm trying to figure out how to build a coop that'll keep the birds comfy in our extremes of temperature!
If you're starting with chicks, you can get any breed from anywhere, provided you don't get a breed that ought not have extreme heat or cold- some breeds just shouldn't, but I can't think of any that can be accommodated in Kansas. Th super-large combs do get a bit of frostbite and may self-dub because of that, if you don't run pretty significant supplemental heat during spells like what we just had. My straight-combed birds did ok, but some friends' lost BIG comb sections and don't look showable at all now.

If you can only have 3, I'd get 3 that you just LOVE. Then if you can't add more you will be less determined to go the route of MoreBiggerBetter. If you can have more with a permit and have space, I wouldn't be as determined to be super-choosy.

Katy is somewhat near you, and she has some of the most gorgeous birds I've seen. You should take a look!

There are lots of ways to get them and tons to choose from- it's a dangerous pursuit!
Thanks for the advice, ChooksChick! In Wichita we can have up to 12 hens with a permit, but the dang thing would cost $100/year! We'll see how it goes with three.
I'm super-excited today
because I found a large Rubbermaid horizontal shed that I think will make a perfect coop! I'm going to post in the coops area for advice on converting it for chickens!
Here is what the Wichita website says:

Domestic Animal Maintenance
Any person keeping in his possession and control, within the corporate limits of the city, more than 5 fowl, 2 rabbits, 2 dogs, 2 cats, or 1 sheep, 1 goat, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 ratite, or more than 2 domestic animals of another kind, is required to pay an annual fee for an appropriate classification permit. With limited exception, no more than 2 nanny goats, 12 rabbits, 12 fowl other than pigeons, 25 pigeons, 2 horses or other equines, 1 cow, 2 sheep, 2 ratites, 4 dogs, 4 cats or 2 domestic animals or other kind; OR no more than 3 different kinds of domestic animals shall be maintained on any one residentially zoned lot. With limited exception, roosters (male chickens), guinea cocks, peacocks or other birds that by nature exhibit loud calls, are not allowed within the corporate limits of the city.

Domestic animals means all animals that have been tamed or domesticated such as, but not limited to dogs, cats, cattle, horses, hogs, goats, rabbits, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, and other fowl or wild mammals or birds.

Ratite means domesticated large flightless birds classified as livestock under Kansas law, such as ostriches and emus.

Kennel means any premises where there is being maintained a total of 5 or more dogs or more than 2 un-spayed female dogs for business purposes, except veterinary hospitals.

Cattery means any premises where there is being maintained a total of 5 or more cats or more than 2 unspayed female cats, except veterinary hospitals.

Kennel and Cattery do not include foster homes operated under the auspices of rescue organizations licensed by the Kansas Department of Animal Health.

This information was found here:

Good luck on the chickens!

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