Coronation Sussex 600 pair what is up?

I just talked to a local breeder that has some and they're selling each for $45.00 or 6 eggs for $41.00. They're white and they also have coronation splits. She said they are full blood but couldn't explain the split part to me, I'd have to talk to her husband. What is a split, does anyone know?
I'm gonna get some eggs and go from there, I guess I'll need to get a roo or hen from a different breeder to get a small flock going. I'm I thinking right about crossbreeding?
Columbian Rocks or Delawares? There is a difference, though tough to see with an inexperienced eye. Columbian Rocks are uncommon. They have yellow legs, single combs and the boys have laced saddle feathers. Delawares have barred patterned hackle and saddle feathers, yellow legs and single combs. Quality birds of either breed are hard to find.

Columbian Wyandottes have a rose comb, so easily recognized from the other breeds. Rocks, Delawares and Sussex have single combs. Sussex have white legs, and should have white saddle feathers. Rocks have yellow and like I said the boys have laced saddle feathers. Delawares also have yellow legs but they have barring in the hackle and tail feathers.

They all have similar color patterns, but there are subtle differences between the breeds. If you're interested in just the color variety than any of the breeds should suffice. If you're interested in a certain breed/variety then there are keys to look for to make sure you're getting what you pay for.
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Columbian Rocks or Delawares? There is a difference, though tough to see with an inexperienced eye. Columbian Rocks are uncommon. They have yellow legs, single combs and the boys have laced saddle feathers. Delawares have barred patterned hackle and saddle feathers, yellow legs and single combs. Quality birds of either breed are hard to find.

Columbian Wyandottes have a rose comb, so easily recognized from the other breeds. Rocks, Delawares and Sussex have single combs. Sussex have white legs, and should have white saddle feathers. Rocks have yellow and like I said the boys have laced saddle feathers. Delawares also have yellow legs but they have barring in the hackle and tail feathers.

They all have similar color patterns, but there are subtle differences between the breeds. If you're interested in just the color variety than any of the breeds should suffice. If you're interested in a certain breed/variety then there are keys to look for to make sure you're getting what you pay for.

My roos have a single comb and the older they get, the more yellowish the chackles are getting. They are pretty birds and big, I can't see the sussex being that much bigger and they look almost the same. I can see some Delawares being sold as Sussex, you couldn't tell if you're like me, New to chickens.

I'm gonna breed some Delawares with Sussex and see what comes out, if they're big and less aggresive as my Delawre Roo then it worked. That's a mean guy, he chases my nieghbor back into her house and the house is about 300 feet from mine. I talking full chicken run across the yard.
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I guess I need to get my eyes checked again... I looked at all of those pics again and I can't see one of them with a feather attached to their legs.?

I pulled this photo off of his website....Im getting old and maybe a little blind, but I swear I see feathered shanks here. In fact, I wish my cuckoo marans had this much!


I blew up the picture a bit to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing.

Do you mean this forum? If so I'm embarassed that I didn't see the thread & respond. Delawares are one breed, Plymouth Rocks are another. There are no Delaware Rocks.
I guess I need to get my eyes checked again... I looked at all of those pics again and I can't see one of them with a feather attached to their legs.?

I pulled this photo off of his website....Im getting old and maybe a little blind, but I swear I see feathered shanks here. In fact, I wish my cuckoo marans had this much!

I blew up the picture a bit to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing.

If this is the case, someone got dupped (including me) but I would nto be surprised if it is a Cochin throwback genes going on in there. They needed a lot of culling of their offsprings to keep that from passing down or keeping the best and try to keep the ratio low for feathered legs to pop up.

How many of those feathered legged offsprings did they have out of that trio? We may never know.
All my Sussex boys are docile towards people. I wouldn't keep an aggressive one. A cranky 12 lb roo is a bit much to deal with when you're only 5 feet tall.

My hens are no lightweights either, they weigh in between 8 and 10 lbs.
I am only coming in on the last few posts but wanted to give my input.

My Light Sussex are very large both hens and roos. The hens are very non aggressive with me and the roo was aggressive when younger but good now.

He is molting and I have noticed he is much crankier than before. Don't know why...

I have one Coronation and she is a good size too, and no feathering on her shanks thank goodness. She is about at POL and I will breed her back to her Sire. Hopefully I will get some nice chicks and not a hidden feathering gene. You can bet I will be looking.

Hope this helped. PS I actually like the Light Sussex coloring better than the Coronation. Much more bold and striking.

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