Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

For the twin-size bedspread I'm making, it's 112 6" squares. What size blanket would you be looking to make, and what size square pattern would you use?
Good Morning Ladies~

Sounds like everyone's fingers are flying!!!! I need to get in gear...I'm slacking a bit.
As of today we have 16 participants signed up for the swap.

I finally settled down to sit still long enough yesterday to try a new pattern. I'll post a pic soon. I must clean today b/c company coming to visit soon. Argggg!!!!
My house is really trashed!!! Lots of traffic of kids in & out w/ DD being a senior this yr. I love, love, love filling the house w/ kids, though. Dirt & all, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I feel behind on everything!!! Hopefully I can knock most the deep cleaning on the main level out, so we can have a little Labor Day fun & I can do some hookin' this weekend!!!!!

bhazell~ your squares are getting better & better.
You are doing fantastic for just picking up the hook for the first time. Impressive!!!!
I guess it depends on what size blanket you want to determine how many squares you will need. I think at least 60 for a lap blanket if you are using 6' squares.

MullersLaneFarm~ Love your squares!!!
Wonderful job!!!! I think my color palette will blend w/ everyone's as well. WOW, 12 complete...That's wonderful!!!!

I hope everyone has a beautiful day!!!! I'll check in later, b/c I know I'll need a procrastination break. I'm Queen of Procrastinations!!!!
Kim~ I noticed that in your list, you skipped number 15, so just to clarify, are there 15 or 16 participants?

Just edited the list. You are so right I did skip 15. So to clarify the number of participants, so far is 15.
What an airhead!!!!
I'm so glad you caught it. I can't believe I missed it.
The sign up dead line is this (Sun) Sept 4th, so the number of participants may change. Some participants have not posted on either thread in a while, so I will contact and clarify the final number of participants after the sign up dead line.
I've never connected mine yet for an afghan. I've seen patterns call for 8 x 8 = 64 squares total.
Or 8 x 12 = 96 squares total.

I like my blankets big & cozy, so I'd shoot for the larger number, but that's just me. What you can do is after you've made so many squares you can lay them out on a flat surface of so many of them across and so many of them down to get an idea of how big you'd like to make it. I hope this helps! That is so sweet to make an afghan for your mil. I know she will love it! Are you going to make an afghan out of your fall swaps to give to her?
Smitty's Farm :

I've never connected mine yet for an afghan. I've seen patterns call for 8 x 8 = 64 squares total.
Or 8 x 12 = 96 squares total.

I like my blankets big & cozy, so I'd shoot for the larger number, but that's just me. What you can do is after you've made so many squares you can lay them out on a flat surface of so many of them across and so many of them down to get an idea of how big you'd like to make it. I hope this helps! That is so sweet to make an afghan for your mil. I know she will love it! Are you going to make an afghan out of your fall swaps to give to her?

Thankies lol yea that's wat I was hoping to do because she is always covered up and figured t would be nice to give it to her for Christmas
I've never connected mine yet for an afghan. I've seen patterns call for 8 x 8 = 64 squares total.
Or 8 x 12 = 96 squares total.

I like my blankets big & cozy, so I'd shoot for the larger number, but that's just me. What you can do is after you've made so many squares you can lay them out on a flat surface of so many of them across and so many of them down to get an idea of how big you'd like to make it. I hope this helps! That is so sweet to make an afghan for your mil. I know she will love it! Are you going to make an afghan out of your fall swaps to give to her?

Thankies lol yea that's wat I was hoping to do because she is always covered up and figured t would be nice to give it to her for Christmas

Wow, everybodies square are sooo cute! I better get going on mine!
Hopefully we can get at least one more person to sign up. 15 is an odd number for a blanket or throw.
I have 11 done so far. My main color palette is Blue, Green, off white & a multi-color. I had some extra yarn that looks "autumn-y" to me though so I made a couple burgundy/orange squares... Hope whoever gets those likes them!! I am using 3 patterns.

(click to enlarge)


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