Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

THANKS guys. I just cant stop myself.
Wow Bumblebee! Those are so cool! The one on the bottom right in the second pic is the one I settled on doing but I'm using different colors in them. I love that one with the orange flower on the bottom left of that same pic!
Smitty's Farm :

Sunny~ I'm sorry you had to sell your chickens, but I bet it will be so much fun getting new babies again. I love a variety of breeds for a colorful basket. Tan, browns, diff shades of green, blue and I hope these new Cuckoo Maran lay dark brown, but not holding my breath since they are hatchery babies. I drool over the dark chocolate BCM eggs.
These 2 cuckoo maran pullets of mine are so sweet and mild mannered.

I love a huge variety in my laying pens too! Don't discount the hatchery marans. My first marans were hatchery cuckoos and all but 2 of them laid a gorgeous dark egg with darker speckles that were 4s and 5s on the marans scale. They were sooo pretty. And yes they all had the mellowest, most easy going personalities. Never flighty but not constantly underfoot either like my BRs and Delawares. Almost regal! Now I did get much darker eggs from my breeding pens (and will work on this again with my new flock) but that doesn't mean the cuckoo's eggs weren't beautiful as well!​
Wow wish I new them patterns !!! U did a great job

just tell me which ones you like and i will share patterns with you.
Good Morning Everyone~


It's a rainy lazy kind of day here on Smitty's Farm. The perfect day to stay in your PJ's, curl up w/ a book, or guess what......... CROCHET!!!!!

Oh I always have plenty to do, but there's always tomorrow, right! I love taking the Scarlett O'Hara way.
Dh had to get up super early for work, so DD & I will take his uncle to his school reunion to see his ole' school buddies at a luncheon.

bumblebee that is a fantastic idea about sharing patterns. I'm sure we all may need some patterns of each others if we are making afghans. I'm not sure how many of us are doing 2 sets. In the beginning I though I'd join all my past swap squares together to be a hodgepodge BYC afghan, but now I may just keep it as a 'Fall Granny Square' BYC afghan. I won't know until I get all my pretties and lay them out playing w/ different combing patterns to put together to decide. I'm so excited!!!!

Oh yea I love, love, love a variety of color in my egg basket. Right now my mixed flock consist of 3 ole' SLW & 2 RIR left from my first flock, lots of EE, a few Ameraucanas, 1- BR, 1-Delaware, & now the Cuckoo Marans. I haven't been able to follow through on any breeder's program just yet, but hope to focus on that in the future.
Long story...
Nice to know I might still get some Dk eggs from the new girls.

Happy Day ALL~
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well i have an idea. my friend had a cookie party every christmas. for those who dont know what that is. it is where you go and take 5 dozen cookies and the reciepe with you. and exchange cookies and the reciepe with others. it make a good get together. she also has food cooked and we chow down. very fun, but anyway, back to my idea. why dont wee pick 2 or 3 of our favorite patterns and send the instuctions with them. or maybe the most unusual patterns and send instructions. what you think bout that.
I'm not sure we can pass THE pattern on.. Copyright laws may apply here.
However, we CAN pass the name of the pattern & website or book it was from!
I'm not sure we can pass THE pattern on.. Copyright laws may apply here.
However, we CAN pass the name of the pattern & website or book it was from!

I think that's an awesome idea but she is right lol
OK, STOP THE PRESSES!!!!! Out of the blue, my husband came home with a loom. That's right, a floor loom, 45 inch, 4 harness, 6 treadle Harrisville Design loom. This should be interesting......

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