Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

You are so welcome!!!!

So glad they arrived safely!!! Hurray!!!!
Yes, we will definitely need more squares to make an afghan. I can't work on mine now either b/c of b-day/X-mas gifts that are behind. Maybe I'll host another fall color swap later after the other swaps so we can get more squares we want to add to our afghan. How many squares for a lapghan? I know for a nice blanket it's usually at least 96....I think.
Smitty's Farm :

You are so welcome!!!!

So glad they arrived safely!!! Hurray!!!!
Yes, we will definitely need more squares to make an afghan. I can't work on mine now either b/c of b-day/X-mas gifts that are behind. Maybe I'll host another fall color swap later after the other swaps so we can get more squares we want to add to our afghan. How many squares for a lapghan? I know for a nice blanket it's usually at least 96....I think.

96 are how many I use and then put a border around to make it bigger. I think another fall swap would be a great idea using fall colors so we can get more blocks. I know we can always add more ourselves but our swaps have been so much fun. Tomorrow I can go to the PO and get my package. It must be my blocks as everything else I've ordered should come later. It might be my DH top hat though since he had to send the first one back as it was too small. He's getting a big head these days since he's going to be master of the lodge next year. Goran! I'll be so busy next year begtinning this next month getting ready for installation.​
You are so welcome!!!!

So glad they arrived safely!!! Hurray!!!!
Yes, we will definitely need more squares to make an afghan. I can't work on mine now either b/c of b-day/X-mas gifts that are behind. Maybe I'll host another fall color swap later after the other swaps so we can get more squares we want to add to our afghan. How many squares for a lapghan? I know for a nice blanket it's usually at least 96....I think.

96 are how many I use and then put a border around to make it bigger. I think another fall swap would be a great idea using fall colors so we can get more blocks. I know we can always add more ourselves but our swaps have been so much fun. Tomorrow I can go to the PO and get my package. It must be my blocks as everything else I've ordered should come later. It might be my DH top hat though since he had to send the first one back as it was too small. He's getting a big head these days since he's going to be master of the lodge next year. Goran! I'll be so busy next year begtinning this next month getting ready for installation.

I though 96 squares for an afghan is what I read a while ago, but haven't connected a single one ever for a blanket. I've only connected 2 sunflower ones to make DD a small purse.

Please keep me posted if it's your swaps. I was looking at the list this morning trying to figure out who hasn't received them yet. I sent them out on Mon, but got to the P.O. late, so I bet they went out on Tue. Of course no mail ran on Thur (T-Day). I thought for sure everyone would have them by Fri or Sat if mail runs for them on Sat. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everyone will have them by Mon. Everyone please check in w/ me if your squares have arrived so I won't worry!!!

Oh yea, I forgot to ask you...... Can you please give me the references to where you got your lovely patterns for the fall swap, so we can share them???

Congratulations to your DH!!!
Oh how fancy to have a new top hat. How exciting!!!!!
Very cool!!!!
I'm pretty sure the package is my blocks. The zip code matches yours. The top hat comes from WI. I will look in my patterns for the blocks I used. They're old ones as I have them memorized. I'll dig through my stuff as soon as I can. Would you believe I have knitting patterns dating back to WWII of my mothers and I have crochet patterns earlier than that when they cost a nickel or a dime for a pattern book.
Good to know!!!
Oh my goodness!!!! I wish I could memorize patterns. I always have to pull them out to look at, even the basic granny one b/c I forget how to get it started. Of course after I've done a few repeatedly in a row I will have it memorized, but if I haven't done it in a while I'll have to pull the directions back out to read as I go to jog my memory. I guess that's what I get for NOT crocheting regularly. Thanks I'd appreciate it if you could find them, b/c I LOVE the patterns you used. So lovely!!! No hurry, though. I can't imagine me having time to work on the Fall stuff now. That is so cool that you have vintage knitting patterns dating back to WW11 and earlier crochet patterns.
Smitty's Farm :

Good to know!!!
Oh my goodness!!!! I wish I could memorize patterns. I always have to pull them out to look at, even the basic granny one b/c I forget how to get it started. Of course after I've done a few repeatedly in a row I will have it memorized, but if I haven't done it in a while I'll have to pull the directions back out to read as I go to jog my memory. I guess that's what I get for NOT crocheting regularly. Thanks I'd appreciate it if you could find them, b/c I LOVE the patterns you used. So lovely!!! No hurry, though. I can't imagine me having time to work on the Fall stuff now. That is so cool that you have vintage knitting patterns dating back to WW11 and earlier crochet patterns.

That's what happens when you're vintage yourself.
Good to know!!!
Oh my goodness!!!! I wish I could memorize patterns. I always have to pull them out to look at, even the basic granny one b/c I forget how to get it started. Of course after I've done a few repeatedly in a row I will have it memorized, but if I haven't done it in a while I'll have to pull the directions back out to read as I go to jog my memory. I guess that's what I get for NOT crocheting regularly. Thanks I'd appreciate it if you could find them, b/c I LOVE the patterns you used. So lovely!!! No hurry, though. I can't imagine me having time to work on the Fall stuff now. That is so cool that you have vintage knitting patterns dating back to WW11 and earlier crochet patterns.

That's what happens when you're vintage yourself.

You are so silly!!! It just means you have a sharper memory than me.
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Good to know!!!
Oh my goodness!!!! I wish I could memorize patterns. I always have to pull them out to look at, even the basic granny one b/c I forget how to get it started. Of course after I've done a few repeatedly in a row I will have it memorized, but if I haven't done it in a while I'll have to pull the directions back out to read as I go to jog my memory. I guess that's what I get for NOT crocheting regularly. Thanks I'd appreciate it if you could find them, b/c I LOVE the patterns you used. So lovely!!! No hurry, though. I can't imagine me having time to work on the Fall stuff now. That is so cool that you have vintage knitting patterns dating back to WW11 and earlier crochet patterns.

That's what happens when you're vintage yourself.

I love that! I'm gonna borrow that sometime.
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Today is Monday and I get to go to the PO for my package. I'm like a kid at Christmas. I'm on my way to town now and will stop on my way home. Our PO opens later than others since it's such a little place.

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