Dachshund name suggestions(Name picked! Update pg 5)





CityGirlinThe Country...
My youngest daughter (owner of the other two musically named dogs,lol) is voting for Slash as well. (She has his book, a big fan.)
Oh, the pups are reddish long hairs with a little black/brindle.
Our other ones are colored Cooper(all black), Axl (red longhair), Willie (reddish badger/brindley).
We also have two other dachshunds in the family, my oldest girls Percy (cream longhair) and another family members Louie (longhair/wirehair cross.) They dont live with us though, only visit fairly often.
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I have had two in my life...the first was named Puddles...because he did...every time he saw me! Even after he was house broken and knew baut going outside andd all that...I got home from school he got excited and puddled. the next one was name General Beauregard...came with the name...great dog. Folks that had him before me were moving and my vet knew Puddles had died and well put us in touch. His name fit. He was very dignified and had an air of authority to him. Used to boss around my sisters lab...although the lab did like to greet him by swallowing his head...General got very irritated at being covered in lab drool

both dogs were lack and tan minatures...although Puddles was bigger
Dachshunds are great.

Both Cooper and Willie came to us as adults, Coop couldnt get along with their cat (though he LOVES ours and not for lunch either,lol) and Willies people were being foreclosed upon, they didnt know where they were going, much less the dog.

I took him in thinking he wouldnt be permanent, just until we found him a good home. Needless to say, he is still here.
Axl we got as a eight week old pup along with his brother (now my oldest daughters dog), Percy.
I have always had dachshunds in my adult life, as a country kid, my family wasnt for the smaller dogs. If they knew how much HEART these guys have, maybe they would have changed their minds!
General could handle himself better than most larger dogs! He killed more opossums than I care to remember...coons didn't come in our yard...stray cats were fair game but he protected our cats...except for Tom...he didn't need protecting..heck the little guy even pointed. When you are bred to hunt anything in a hole...you gotta be tough!
Thats what I always thought!!! They were bred for going after badgers!!! Ours listen to me but I can see them hunting for sure.
DD thinks every dachshund should be named Sizzles like the dog in Charlie and Lola.

I really want one but we have no room for a doggie right now.
We have 3. Their names are Libby, Percy, and my fav. TooLow (because of his short little legs)

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