Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

You always think that you've heard it all, then someone comes around and makes you think twice. Last week I was telling an employees daughter, (30 some years old), about having 13 silkie eggs in the incubator. I told her I was going to try to sell some, she says " I'll buy 2 if they're babies".:drool Without thinking, I told her that if any of them turned out to be babies, I would save 2 for her. She never did catch on.:he Makes you wonder how they survive in the real world.:confused: LOL
You always think that you've heard it all, then someone comes around and makes you think twice. Last week I was telling an employees daughter, (30 some years old), about having 13 silkie eggs in the incubator. I told her I was going to try to sell some, she says " I'll buy 2 if they're babies".:drool Without thinking, I told her that if any of them turned out to be babies, I would save 2 for her. She never did catch on.:he Makes you wonder how they survive in the real world.:confused: LOL

I have a mixed breed hen that lays light green eggs. I was talking to a man about this an he asked me how did I get green eggs, did I have a green chicken? Next was how I ended up adopting the 2 newest birds in my flock. They used to belong to a man that got them for the purpose to "train" his dogs to attack and be fighters. Okay? This is already weird I know. Well he got these 2 chicks about 6 weeks old. He had no idea what to feed them. Had the nerve to ask did they eat meat or bread what do they eat. Next, I found out they went a couple days without water because he was unaware they drink water. Seriously what living thing on this planet doesn't need water???? So he ends up realizing these chicks are to much work and asks me to take them. Which I happily do. Now they are about 4 or 5 months old and growing like weeds. I'm so glad I saved them from this foolishness.
You always think that you've heard it all, then someone comes around and makes you think twice. Last week I was telling an employees daughter, (30 some years old), about having 13 silkie eggs in the incubator. I told her I was going to try to sell some, she says " I'll buy 2 if they're babies".:drool Without thinking, I told her that if any of them turned out to be babies, I would save 2 for her. She never did catch on.:he Makes you wonder how they survive in the real world.:confused: LOL
If one comes out a 4'2" cute 30 some year old I'll take her, I'm not all that picky as long as she's cute and a nice person. lol
It is! But, even out here, with each passing generation that are not farming out here, basic knowledge is lost and all the kids learn is what they see on TV, which ain't much or just plain wrong. Like that animated movie some years back with talking cows that were males~Sam Elliott's macho voice, even~ but they all had nice, big pink udders.
You'd have thought at least one person involved with the making of that movie would have said, "Uh...guys? Um...don't know how to tell ya this,but....".

Don’t worry though. The more we educate our families, embrace healthy eating, and protecting our planet. The more who will know. At least tech brought us this site. I learn so much!
I have some of those disgusting eggs too! However, I dont have any of those really dark ones. What breed lays those? I want to get a couple of those hens.

Make sure you see the eggs and parents first. There are tons of brown egg layers. But the dark brown are mostly a type of Marans. But a lot of selective breeding gets you the darkest.
Here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, they have this race-thing that happens once a year...

Keeping that in mind, my friends and I were sitting around talking, and decided we were going to have what is known as a "Derby Party" this year. It will mark the first year that I haven't worked for the liquor industry since moving here, and I decided to throw the party at my house.

Someone mentioned how they didn't want to have a barbecue near chicken [poo], but they relented after I mentioned the chicken poo would be coming from the main course...

The truly, truly, stupid part came after another friend mentioned how his grandfather used to have cock-fights many, many years ago. We all know that it is illegal, but sure enough, after a few home brews, someone suggested we should let the roosters compete.

Thus was born the inaugural "Kentucky Chicken Derby." Yes, someone actually said:

"We should RACE 'em!"

Definitely the second stupidest thing uttered that day. The first being, of course: "OK."

Will update on progress. Note: This will all be accomplished through positive reinforcement maze-running.
This little dude is my pick. If he wins, I might even give him a name and keep him around. If not, we'll just call him dinner.

Thank you for not being a monsters and watching them brutally murder each other! I want video of the race!
she has many many videos some that makes that one look sane....

I just find it weird that she neglects to pronounce the u in Australorp, unless I am mistaken and their is a breed called Astralorp from Astralia. I did make next boxes from rubbermaid containers based on one of her videos. The birds liked them, but doubled up and often laid together (not that there's anything wrong with that).

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