emergency duck egg rescue incubation

im so sorry... it's heartbreaking... i was reading back through all of these msgs last nite.. did u rescue yours too... how many do have left to hatch... i don't usually pray but gota admit I prayed 4 mine... just hope mine and urs to hatch continue to do well.. ive got to beri the two I lost tomz.. was supposed to it 2day but ive been over the 2 living 2 too much in SCDU (special care duck unit) suppose also I was kind of waiting just in case their brothers or sisters didn't make it either then they would all go together
but will keep you posted on mine and will post a pic once their up on their feet and looking smart lol.. keep us all posted on yours that are to hatch too!
Well I will just be praying for yours from now on... Mine passed away in my hands a few minutes ago... The temp on one side of the brooder spiked high last night and I got up at 5 and made adjustments but I fear that's what did it. Yesterday he was walking and pecking at stuff and today he wouldn't even stand :( I pray yours make it and thrive to their full potentials! Please keep me posted Betty :)

So sorry sweetie! (hugs to you)
Just to update... my 2 ducklings are doing ok ish.. having to make them drink though... not ate anything yet... but seem to be having a few problems... they've been free from their shells now for 24 hrs... but are struggling to hold their heads up.. walk and keep getting stuck on their backs... im told this could be because their weak or.. splayed legs.. hoping they get strong asap
I hope they do well for you!!! It was pretty sad yesterday and of course since I'm pregnant I cried for around 2 hours :( I have one left from this batch tp hatch, but I won't hold my breath as I didn't see any movement in this egg before lockdown... sadly yes this was a rescue attempt when we found a smashed and destroyed nest at a local park :( the one to hatch looked like a black Swedish :/
Just to update... my 2 ducklings are doing ok ish.. having to make them drink though... not ate anything yet... but seem to be having a few problems... they've been free from their shells now for 24 hrs... but are struggling to hold their heads up.. walk and keep getting stuck on their backs... im told this could be because their weak or.. splayed legs.. hoping they get strong asap

Are they doing better this morning?

I hope they do well for you!!! It was pretty sad yesterday and of course since I'm pregnant I cried for around 2 hours
I have one left from this batch tp hatch, but I won't hold my breath as I didn't see any movement in this egg before lockdown... sadly yes this was a rescue attempt when we found a smashed and destroyed nest at a local park
the one to hatch looked like a black Swedish

Awww, I have little black Swedish ones. I'm so sorry you lost them. Your story is so sweet... "pregnant gal rescues ducklings" but you did what you could.... you gave them a chance. They had no chance where they were, so don't feel too bad.
I'm still praying for the last little guy.
Hi... Unfortunately... my weaker 1 died this afternoon in my daughters hands.. as you can imagine she's gutted/ were gutted... my other 1 is a bit beta on his/her feet all though not up properly and is drinking/eating a small amount... we think he/she keeps looking for her/his freind
.. so were considering looking for a freind for him/her... i believe you can sex them at an early age.. i need to look into it.. i really hope your second one hatches ok aslheyponygurl... How longs left?
Unfortunately my last egg is dead :( I do have some shipped ancona eggs that started incubation a few days ago, hopefully ill get a few successful hatches from them. Betty I am so sorry for the loss of the one but I'm glad your other is doing well I hope he or she thrives for you!!! :)
I'm so sorry betty. And for your daughter too, that must have been rough. But the one that is left is totally adorable!
Metzer has a good video online showing how to vent sex ducklings. I think they say its best to do at less than 10 days old. Its not difficult but its not real easy either. And its possible to hurt then if done incorrectly. I don't think many of the feed stores do it, but I guess you could order the sex you want. I tried it with mine at about a week old... Thought I did it right, thought I had 2 boys and 2 girls, but I think I have 3 quacking, so I guess I'm gonna have to wait for the curly tail feathers to know for sure.
I have read all the post and the ups and downs of hatching, so sorry for you all that lost little ducklings
. This is my first time hatching and it is so stressful, I have put so much work into this, I just hope mine all make it, I still have 16 days to go and as the days go I am A nervous wreck about hatch day!

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